And then I wrote some crack.

Dec 22, 2012 21:44

So, this was one of my promptathon ideas - Clint Barton ends up shopping in Lush store. (It's an experience everyone should try at least once ( Read more... )

fic babble, fic

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ashen_key December 22 2012, 20:52:09 UTC

Thinky-thoughts first:

I honestly think its fine as a one-shot silly thing (says the woman who wrote the avengers as puppies....); any longer, and the joke would probably break (although, if you wanted longer, Natasha's reaction would be amusing - with or without the massage with nicely smelling things to make sore muscles not hurt. She could just have a long training session and be stiff and sore). As it's, it's very cute and funny and I am giggling at the computer screen, and I love, love, love the interaction of Hill and Barton at the end (although, for narration, it should be 'Hill' not Maria - she outranks him, they are in professional setting; if Coulson is Coulson, then Maria should be Hill).


*draws hearts around*


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 21:02:42 UTC
Yay! Noted! Will go fix it. You're right.

Yep, it should be a one shot (that is one chaptered thing, right?). This is, I suppose, sometime pre-avengers. I'd like to see Clint sending Steve to get something out of that store and ending up as a chick magnet because he smelled nice. :D Nat can get a back rub, and Clint can get a bath (with Natasha) after the movie and Loki and everything. because he likes baths. And Natasha knows that.

Also, what I think is happening in the background of my brain is the attempt to turn this into "how they got together" kind of story, of a lighter variety. Hmmmm. *thinks*


ashen_key December 22 2012, 21:09:49 UTC
I tend to assume that SHIELD is a very surname type work place, like a police department or military or whatnot (so, Coulson's Natasha in Avengers says a lot about the depth of their friendship), which helps a bit.

Yep, one shot is a one chaptered thing! I heart them.

And yeah, I got pre-Avengers vibe from it. Thinking more - I think you can expand it easily (and keeping the light-hearted nature of it without going lol Clint smells pretty, or lol all women like Lush) if you run with different aspects. So, not all the agents notice or care about the way Clint smells, but he can participate in discussion (either about things, or to help Chandra in R&D get something for her sister, etc), or massage Nat. And ahah, I like the idea with Steve! :D And yesssss, I like the idea of a bath.

Oooh *nodnodnodnods* that'd be sweet. Get together pre-Avengers to keep the lighthearted, and then, say, bath after canon as them being 'we are alive and having fun and not thinking about dark things' thing? Or. IDK?


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 21:37:42 UTC
Oh yeah, not everyone cares about soaps. But it's hilarious to see how many people do. Or maybe not only soaps, Lush has other stuff too, and their products make good presents as well. I think there's lots of hilarity potential in there. Like, they all buy Fury some sort of sparkly bubble bath for (what they think is) his birthday. Or something. Lush things aren't advertised anywhere, it's mostly people telling other people "this stuff is so good". So... Clint tells Hill and Coulson, they tell someone else, and so it spreads.

R&D? It's short for ...?

Yup! Post movie bath with Clint's favorite scent because that's familiar and feels good, and yes, it's fun too. He needs that after Loki.


ashen_key December 22 2012, 21:42:12 UTC
I, alas, do not know them personally - given I have a really, really bad sense of smell, most of those things are somewhat wasted on me (but they feel nice after a long shift! Which counts). But I hear all kinds of good things from the internet *g* And ahah, yessss.

Research and Development - given Clint's fancy-shcmancy quiver and arrowheads, I'm guessing that he is pals with the engineers and folk in SHIELD's R&D. The R&D section of Stark Tower is also what Tony was using to lure Bruce with ("It's Candyland").

Yesssssss, exactly :D


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 21:44:57 UTC
Awesome thing for tired feet? It's called Steppin' stone and it's a foot scrub. AWESOME. Also, tingly cooling things for shower - Dirty shower gel and a soap called Demon in the dark. *draws hearts around them* I LOVE this stuff.

OH YES. Clint would totally be buddies with them! I find it amusing, him becoming a soap expert. :D


ashen_key December 22 2012, 21:50:07 UTC
*___* I will totally keep this in mind should I find a store or whatever.

Ahahaha, me too. And he's totally secure enough in masculinity to just go 'yeah, w/e' if anyone gives him grief over it. As someone who'd be in a fair amount of physical strain and pain due to his work, I can just see him being all over things that make everything feel better.


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 22:30:04 UTC
:D It's really best when you can find a store. You can try out stuff (smell, touch, texture.. it's all very interesting!) For example, this Flying Fox shower gel (GUH! my favorite) is so rich, creamy, made with three different kinds of honey and jasmine. The scent is intensive and some people don't like it. I however LOVE it. Gorgeous. And showering with this gel is heaven.

Here's the Lush website, relevant for you. There's a shop finder link as well on top of the page :) Things can also be ordered via mail; I sometimes do that because I can't always go to Zagreb to restock (damn, I am almost out of It's raining men. Husband stole it ( ... )


ashen_key December 22 2012, 22:43:26 UTC
Oh goodness, this is going to be so bad for my wallet (no stores near me, but I'm planning on going to Melbourne sometime in January, so, muahah). Maybe I can flutter my lashes at the mothership for my birthday. thank yoooooooooooou. (ahhah, of course he did)

Yes! (re: dancing - this is also why Clint knows how to swing-dance. Dancing FTW) And yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Even just normal training and age and whatnot - joints ache, muscles go 'NOOOOO'. Particularly if he's sniper-ing it up, that involves staying perfectly still for hours, no matter what the conditions. Something nice on the muscles and skin after that would be awesome.

(Awwwwwwww, yes. I approve of this so much.)


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 19:05:04 UTC
I know the feeling! I know! My wallet suffers but it's so worth it. My favorite things? Flying Fox/Happy Hippy/It's Raining Men shower gels, a soap called Sultana of soap (GUH!!!); a shampoo called Rehab (it does wonders for my perm - abused hair. It really is like hair - rehab, and I think it's good for most types of hair - not very good if your hair is very greasy, tho.) What else do I use? Ah, facial masks. They're fresh and should be kept in a refrigerator, and depending on your skintype there are different masks. Best thing I tried so far is called Cosmetic Warrior (I have combination skin). Husband uses same soaps, shower gels and shampoo, he also has shaving cream called Ambrosia (tried it on my legs. WONDERFUL.), and we both use a moisturizer called Cosmetic Lad (which smells like almond cake and I'd eat it ( ... )


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