A note to English-speaking readers

Mar 20, 2008 04:32

It had been brought to my attention, that some of my comments, carried on Tuesday by a Russian online daily called Izbrannoe, drew immense criticisms from many American LJ readers and users, who were never given a chance to read them in the first place. Some were basing their impressions on a machine translation, and others, even worse, on a ( Read more... )

english, internet, lj

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Comments 277

ex_stormshi March 20 2008, 01:40:09 UTC
Имелись в виду, наверно, English-speaking readers? А то звездно-полосатый шовинизм какой-то получается. Британцев и так Паркер обидел, так еще и Вы их забыли.


dolboeb March 20 2008, 01:52:52 UTC
Скандалят американские, им и отвечаю. Хотя спасибо, это разумное уточнение, ща поправим.


omnia March 20 2008, 21:07:06 UTC
Прямо-таки "скандалят"?

А Вы не хотите перевести американским "читателям" эту Вашу реплику на английский, чтобы злопыхатели не исказили ее истинный смысл машинным переводом?

Позвольте уточнить, какой именной английский эквивалент русскому "скандалят" Вы изволили бы использовать?


filologinoff March 20 2008, 01:56:04 UTC
Шутка дня. Представил, у скольких троллей головы взорвутся. Браво! =))))))


yefeyfiya March 20 2008, 02:06:01 UTC
Про отмену регистрации базовых аккаунтов: весьма обидно, что суп не хотел держать обещание. Пункт 28: http://www.rian.ru/online/20061025/55130649.html

Хотя, очевидно, что проблема далеко не в этом, а в том, что супу все меньшее количество народа доверяет, и все у большего количества людей появляется ощущение, что на юзеров супу посрать, поскольку маловероятно, что уйдут не только идейные еденицы, и постольку достойной альтернативы у жж нет, да и постольку уже имеющеющуюся аудиторию людям в большинстве терять жалко.


yefeyfiya March 20 2008, 02:07:47 UTC
хотя, в принципе это не совсем ложь. они сохранятся. у тех, у кого были. просто новых не завести...


dolboeb March 20 2008, 02:27:18 UTC
Ломишься в открытую дверь.
Я ж сказал уже: решение неправильное, должно быть пересмотрено. И будет пересмотрено, куда ж деваться. Ошибки надо признавать и исправлять, а не упорствовать в них.

Уже есть официальное объявление в lj_2008.
Вышло минут 20 назад.


antonborisov March 20 2008, 02:57:31 UTC
Антон, внесите пожалуйста предложение о том, чтобы хоть что-то начать делать для защиты клиентов от спама. Вот буквально свежий пример.

Что в таких случаях делать?

Сам хозяин журнала от интернета далеко и подонки этим воспользовались, загадили весь его журнал.


rightxhere March 20 2008, 02:08:42 UTC
can't this be posted as a news post?

also, a huge number of LJs users are NOT American (and yet still English-speaking). Or, do we not matter as much?


rightxhere March 20 2008, 02:30:04 UTC
Thanks. I don't understand a word, but cheers!


dolboeb March 20 2008, 02:32:37 UTC
It was the same remark as you posted, only in Russian.
And it got the same response, as yours did.


beckyzoole March 20 2008, 02:37:57 UTC
Anton, you've made some good points in your post, but much of it still looks like spin to me.

May I suggest that the next time you are contacted for an interview with the press, if you are 'asked me for comments which you can't offer, for lack of knowledge', your correct response should be "No Comment"?

Because the response you did give Izbrannoe was more than a little disturbing. And it certainly was presented as a SUP response, not as the opinions of a private blogger.

Your title at SUP is CBO (Chief Blogging Officer), according to your blurbs at technorati, BlogFerence, and other sources. "Social Media Evangelist" is cute on Facebook, though. And, of course, you have the right to call yourself anything you want ( ... )


olgana March 20 2008, 02:54:53 UTC
It is still spin.


elenbarathi March 20 2008, 16:38:36 UTC
Still spin, and still totally missing the point.

I've now read four different translations of what he said, and the claim that he didn't dismiss user complaints and call users idiots looks to me like a flat-out lie. Whether or not other people have also lied is beside the point; this is about him, not about them.

Here is one translation, with a link to another. A remark by the translator sums up the matter:

"I felt that I no longer wanted to give my money to a company that repeatedly tried to implement changes that they knew would piss of their user base under the radar, only to lie, backpedal, and scramble when the inevitable happened and they were caught out.

... except in my own case, it's more a matter of not wanting to post my writing - for free, note - on a site owned by a company that acts this way, and not wanting to encourage my friends and fans to join so they can read the friends-locked stuff that may or may not be for paid publication later elsewhere ( ... )


andor_1 March 22 2008, 02:36:35 UTC
///As for the ads, here in America we have this little tradition called consumer activism, wherein "idiots" like myself contact serious companies on a regular basis to express our opinions of their policies.///

Mr. Nosik spent several years in Israel, even served in their Army, and has a good grasp on what Democracy is. He came back to Russia since it is better place to make money in the Internet Communications over there.

I've heard Mr. Nosik's drivel in Russian. It's full of innuendo, denials, and half lies. For several long minutes he was not giving us the straight answer. Only at the end of the interview he admitted that, yes, the "freeloaders" would have to pull their weight by peddling whatever LJ will tell them to peddle. Mr.Nosik also implied that there is no other place on Internet where we, the "freeloaders", could get it sooooo good.


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