Apr 26, 2011 03:01
- 04:23:13: RT @PimpBillClinton: If masturbation really prevented prostate cancer there'd be no such thing as prostate cancer. #scientificfact
- 05:00:44: Had a dream the other night that @ tyrabanks was yelling at me while we were taking pics. :(
- 10:49:08: RT @PimpBillClinton: If days of the week were sex acts, Monday would be a dry, passionless
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Apr 25, 2011 03:01
- 05:41:16: Once @ Nyrsaeans got upset with me and I went to Walmart in the middle of the night to make it up to her... #amitheonlyonethatdoesthat
- 05:44:48: I would be super happy if I woke up and she'd gone to Wm and gotten th bkshelf we were talking about. #eventhoughIwanttogotowalmart
- 05:45:48: I'm super frustrated. Ugh
- 06:12:47: @ Nyrsaeans was
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Apr 23, 2011 03:01
- 06:21:25: Rotten spoiled Mother's milk, Twisted strands of spider silk, Leaves that tear a silken glove, That's what nightmares are made of. -me 2011
- 13:33:26: RT @tetleyusa: Happy Earth Day! RT this message for a chance to win a box of Green Tea. We will announce 4 winners on 4.23.
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Apr 21, 2011 03:01
- 04:50:21: RT @5tevenw: NEWS: Scientists find the gene that causes shyness. They would have found it sooner but it was hiding behind some other genes.
- 08:48:18: RT @LilMamaQueen09: It's awesome how I got almost no sleep. #OnlyNot
- 08:59:38: @ LilMamaQueen09 yes, and I'm up getting ready for work! Haha
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