I had originally planned to write a multi-chaptered story revolving around Hisagi and Kira on the night before the big battle. But because my not being able to get to even the second chapter in all my previous attempts at a multi-chaptered fic is an established scientific fact, I am writing a series of one-shots that are all related to each other somehow.
I think I can finish this that way.
I dub these The ShuuKira Scenes because I get the prompts from
50scenes and because it is all my brain is willing to come up with at the moment. Oh, but I love this organic lump of blood and tissue. XD
Also, my muse is working overtime. I cannot seem to stop thinking about the different scenes. I am losing sleep over it! ::glares at muse::
Anyway, I suppose it's worth it.
Do enjoy!
Title: Winter
Rating: G
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei + Kira Izuru
Notes/Warnings: The second part of the ShuuKira scenes I am currently working on. My version of the night before the big battle. Theme #41 Winter @
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)
Previous scenes:
Scene #1: Countdown “I hate snow.”
Shuuhei blinked at the declaration and Izuru glowered. “Why?”
“Because it’s cold.”
“You have plenty of clothes to keep you warm.”
“The plants die.”
“They’ll grow back come Spring.”
“Everything is white.”
“Izuru, you like white. It’s your favorite colour.”
“…well, it’s hard to walk anywhere in the snow!”
“I could carry you."
“…I still hate snow, Hisagi-san.”
Shuuhei laughed. “Well, I love snow, 'zuru. Especially the first fall of snow. I think it’s beautiful.”
Kira Izuru sat on the cold wood of the kitchen floor, his lithe frame trembling ever so slightly. A soft breeze drifted in from an open window and touched his bare feet, making him shiver.
He was cold all over from more than just the winter night air that seemed to be colder now than it had ever been in the winters before. He had always hated winter. He hated the dying of the trees and the cold. He hated the absence of colour. And with feet of snow piled high in the streets it was a chore just to get anywhere.
And this winter was worse. It was colder. And darker. And with it came the War. It enveloped Soul Society in deathly quiet. Even the snow seemed afraid to show its face for it had been winter for days and not a flake of snow had been seen.
That thought sent a chill up his spine. But he did his best to keep his trembling under control so as not to disturb the inert form of his best friend whose head currently rested on his lap.
Shuuhei had his head turned to the side, strong arms wrapped tightly around Izuru’s waist, his face buried in the folds of the blond’s light yukata. Both of them were soaked in some places with spilled tea that long since cooled on their skin and clothes and Izuru knew that one of them could catch a cold before the night was over. Neither of them could afford to, not tonight, but he could stop it no more than he could stop the war so he stayed where he was.
He held Shuuhei in silence, stroking his hair and pretending not to feel the heaving of his best friend’s shoulders which Shuuhei tried to contain even now; still trying to be the strong one even after Izuru had just seen the normally stalwart lieutenant fall to his knees with tears in his eyes.
Warm breath wafted through the thin cloth and tickled the blond’s skin with every soft exhalation. It contrasted harshly to the tears that drenched his yukata, saturating it and making it icy to the touch.
Izuru wasn’t quite sure which sensation made him shiver the most.
He had seen the look in his friend’s dark eyes before he fell, an emotion he couldn’t quite identify yet somehow understood. Shuuhei was afraid but not for himself, he feared death but not his own; ever the selfless one as always. Izuru felt his hands tightened their hold on the 9th Division Vice-Captain on their own volition.
Idiot, he was tempted to say, I’ve been training, too. We all have.
On his lap Shuuhei heaved a sigh. There was movement as the brunette shifted around and Izuru nearly jumped when a cold hand came to clasp his, holding it tightly. He smiled softly and squeezed it.
He saw movement from the periphery of his vision. He glanced up to see what it was and gasped. He felt Shuuhei tighten his grip on his hand at the sound the brunette lifted his head to look at him. Izuru saw the heartrending look on his friend’s face and gently caressed a tattooed cheek.
“Look, Shuu,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper, his breath forming wisps of white smoke in the frigid air. “It’s snowing.”
He looked down at his friend and smiled.
Shuuhei looked at him wordlessly for a moment before offering him a watery smile of his own and giving the hand he held a tender squeeze.
Another cool gust of wind came in from the window but this time Izuru didn’t shiver.
To be continued...
a/n: OMG OMG OMG I got to the second "chapter"! ...let's call them scenes. I think this is the first time I have ever gotten to the second part of anything. Go, Antha! Go! ::whip crack::
I hope Shuuhei's manly tears of masculinity were to your liking. I was trying not to make him too wimpy but am not so sure I was successful in that area.
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