Title: Countdown
Rating: G
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei + Kira Izuru
Notes/Warnings: My version of the night before the big battle. A failed attempt at angst. Theme #50 Writer's Choice: Countdown @
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)
Dedication: To
ceestar, the constant and beloved motivator, and to everybody in
shuukira because I ♥ them.
It was finally upon them. Their time had run out.
Hisagi Shuuhei paced his living room quietly, listening to the barely audible ticking of the clock. With each passing second they were that much closer to what could very well be the final battle for many of them and it was this thought that kept him awake, this thought that had him on edge. This thought and the booming voice of Yamamoto-soutaichou still resonating in his mind as he told him and his friends that they were to guard the four posts, the most dangerous of all assignments. If one of them should fall…
No, he didn’t want to think about it.
In the years before he joined the academy, when he was just a child in the harsh streets of Rukongai, he had always wanted more-to have more, do more…be more. Centuries of hard work had given him that and this is what it came down to; the greatest war in history with him right up there at the front lines and he was ready. Ready to face the enemy and to use every technique, every strategy he knew to fight and protect everything he held dear…
Everything he loved…
Hisagi stopped when a barely audible knock on the door reached his ears. He pushed the shoji aside and arms wrapped around him instantly, blond hair tickling his chin as Kira Izuru stepped across the threshold to bury his face in his former sempai’s gi. Wrapping his own arms around the younger shinigami, Hisagi could only hold him tighter against him if only to stop Izuru’s trembling.
“Can’t sleep either?” He asked after a while, his voice catching slightly in his throat.
Izuru nodded against his chest then pulled away to look up at him. Hisagi slackened his grip but didn’t let go.
“I kept trying to but I couldn’t,” the blond began. “I couldn’t stand being at home alone and…” Izuru’s voice shook. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
A faint blush tinged Izuru’s cheeks and even with the thought of the impending battle hanging over their heads it made Hisagi smile. “Let’s get you out of the cold,” he said and started ushering the blond into the living room.
Inside the only sound to be heard was the faint ticking of the clock and the faint clink of cups as Hisagi made Izuru some tea. Every now and then storm grey eyes would leave the tea-makings to look at the blond sitting quietly on the cushions, smiling when Izuru caught him staring and frowning when the blond couldn’t see.
His friend was staring intently at the wall clock which Hisagi could still hear even though he was in the kitchen. He knew then that Izuru saw the moving second hand, heard its perpetual ticking, and thought of the damned contraption as he did.
A countdown.
Izuru's eyes met his, golden brows drawn together in a frown of concern, and for a moment he saw his friend's broken and bloody body on the ground, blue eyes staring at him, unseeing.
Tea cups clattered noisily against wood when his fingers suddenly went numb. He was dimly aware of Izuru shouting for him, calling his name, then he suddenly couldn’t see or hear him at all. His ears heard only the now deafening ticking of the clock and the only thing he could feel was the burn of tears welling in his eyes.
To be continued...
a/n: Ara? A TBC from Antha? That's new. Awww...I made Shuuhei cry...whatever will Izuru do? Find out in the next chapter! ...and if it comforts you to know, I will NOT make Shuuhei cry like a wimp. So like...no need to be all O.o at Shuu-bun's tears. They are manly tears! XD
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