Title: Tradition and Protocol 1: Initiation 4/4
AntennapediaPairings: Giles/Olivia, Giles/Buffy (eventually)
Rating: FRAO
Warnings: Coercive Council magic. Body piercing with questionable consent issues. Violence. Sex and lots of it. Dom/sub kink, piercing kink, bondage kink. Tattoos. And more. And if that isn’t enough, the odd four-letter
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Comments 30
DUDE. This is so very satisfying. And also hot.
The Angel wrinkle really turns the screws. Yowza.
I love how Giles and Buffy are each ambivalent about their duty and destiny here, and also that they're both as good at being angry with themselves as at each other when something goes wrong.
Excellent stuff. Guh. Mibble. Whoa. Various noises of appreciation. :)
Yay that it all worked! Yay that it's done!
I'll look forward to the postmortem on this. Though I think in this case, that would be a misnomer, as there's nothing at all dead about this story. Beautifully done, indeed.
Wish I had the time or energy to write more, but I've been ill today and just got back from taking the small hobgoblinn to Boy Sprouts. I will get to it, though.
Hope you feel better! I interviewed a guy who had "Eagle Scout" on his resume today. Mr Pedia, who was also an Eagle Scout, gave me a funny look when I asked him why he never puts it on his resume. But he sure can tie knots.
I look forward to the next part and I'm always available for first readings and such.
8ga stainless steel needles: $22/pack of ten
A trained person to stick the needle in: $60.
Early encouragement to insecure and nervous author: Priceless!
Great twist with using Angelus and the ritual. Giles should have known it had to be a two way response, but of couse being tortured did have him a little distracted.
And I bet that that jerk Stamford knew exactly what he was doing when he threatened to take Giles back to England.
Yay! I'm glad this worked for you. I'm pretty nervous about it.
this was very well written, characters so well drawn the slide from canon to AU was unnoticed 'til 'giles has a PA!! omg!!!'
*hops off to find more TP* XD
"Consolidation" is in progress, but it'll be a while. Lots of balls to juggle, lots of stuff to get right :)
I'd like to see Buffy and Giles confront Angel--rub his nose in the fact that he didn't break the bond between them--and have Buffy tell him to never contact her again. I think Giles needs that. Poor guy. I'm eagerly waiting for the next bit.
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