Dec '09 PxJ challenge - Tropical Christmas

Dec 13, 2009 18:33

For the December '09 Christmas Challenge on the PxJ comm.

It’s a quiet weekend and a few of the bitty mechs are bored. Bored bitty!mechs are not a good thing, as Prowl very well knows, and so he keeps a wary optic on them.

It’s a good thing Prowl has Jazz, because the other mech has a plan for keeping the bitties occupied. He’s found a plastic container that’s just the right shape to make a snow globe. And since it’s Christmas and all, the mechlings are particularly taken with the idea.

Of course, there’s a bit of discussion as to what they want to put in the globe. None of the TFs have seen snow. Even the ones who originated overseas came from Australia, and there was no snow when they were there either (the kangaroo plushie we brought back is a mite too large for the globe anyway).

Therefore, the bitties decide to go with what they know, and living on an equatorial island as we do, that means something tropical.

Bitty!G1!Jazz and Bumblebee are on sand duty. Well. Technically, sand is mostly silica…

Jazz and Prowl grab some paper for the mechlings.

Opti, movie!Bee and RunamuckRicochet start folding.

And twisting.

And they’re done!

Jazz paints the product of their hard work. Prowl applies a coat of protective glue, and we have a palm tree trunk.

Bitty!Ani!Prowl starts on the leaves, and being a sensible bitty mech, gets Prowl to assist with the scissor wielding.

Skids wants to paint this time. Jazz lets him, but only under his supervision (and only because Skids is already green and any mishaps won't be noticeable).

And the palm tree gets planted. They’re done!

But just as the lid gets popped on, bitty!movie!Jazz says that something is missing. What kind of stereotypical, stylised palm tree doesn’t have coconuts?

Jazz tries to get Skids and Mudflap to sit under the tree, since he says they’re a pair of nuts. Skids and Mudflap understandably refuse.

Prowl, having anticipated such an occurrence (*cough* parent senses *cough*) stops the fuss with a pair of biologically inaccurate coconuts.

The coconuts are in their proper place and nutty mechlings are in theirs. But the globe still looks empty…

So the mechlings find a few inhabitants for their tropical scene.

And the globe is complete, and the weekend is almost over. Now, all Jazz has to do is figure out what to do next weekend.

photos, challenge: dec'09 pxj

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