Seeker Mechs and Femmes [Part 5 - End]

Dec 24, 2009 18:21

And another one bites the dust! *dances*

Title: Seeker Mechs and Femmes [Part 5 - End]
'Verse: G1 Transformers
Characters: Prowl. Jazz. Starscream.
Rating: NC-16
Warnings: TF cussing


“Well, someone’s in a good mood.”

Reply sent, Prowl pulled his attention away from his console, a smirk still lingering faintly on his faceplates, and focused on the mech leaning against his doorway, asking in a mildly inquiring manner. “Am I not allowed to be?”

“Three things every Autobot with a functioning processor learns to be wary of, quick sharp. A quiet Ratchet, a shouting Optimus, and a smirking Prowl.” Jazz ticked off on his fingers as he entered the room. “Thusly, the rest of the crew are wigging out like the Unmaker himself just peeked over the horizon.”

“I see.”

“Don’t stop.” The saboteur flashed a wicked grin at Prowl as he sat down, pulling out datapads and plans for the tactician to look over, and the doorwinged mech chuckled as he turned to his work.

“I wasn’t planning to.”

= = =

Prowl. I’ll have you know that I am not kinky. Not in that way! Do the Autobots know their SIC is this perverted?

= = =

Jazz looked up from the mission plans Prowl had handed back to furrow his brow at the other black and white.

“You’re quiet.”

“Aren’t I always?” The SIC raised an optic ridge and the Ops head elaborated, gesturing vaguely.

“Yeah, but that’s normal Prowl-quiet.”

“There is a difference between that and this?”

“Yeah. This quiet is the one that means you’re plotting something.”

Prowl met the visored mech’s expectant look and replied, manner perfectly guileless as he did so.

“Aren’t I always?”

= = =

I did not need that mental image, thank you very much.

= = =

The chevroned mech glanced at the message that had just come in and laughed quietly, then quickly tapped out a response before facing Jazz once more. The visored mech folded his arms across his front.

“You’re smirking again.”

“I know.”

“Mech, you’re making it hard for me to stay on the other side of your desk.”

Prowl leant back in his chair and directed a look at the head of Ops, smirk widening when Jazz growled, fidgeting in his seat.

= = =

Primus, there is no winning an argument with you, is there?

= = =

“Y’got another reply.”

“Mmm.” The Datsun turned his head aside to read the text as Jazz commented.

“They’re coming back rather quickly now, aren’t they?”

The SIC hit ‘send’, and moved to continue his attentions to the mech in his lap. Jazz’s visor flickered, the saboteur taking in a sharp intake of air as Prowl teased a sensor node.

“Some individuals just can’t stand not having the last word.”

= = =

Shut up. I was not referring to you as Primus.

= = =

“I would be happy to call you Primus.”

“Granted, it would be an improvement over your usual choice of nicknames.”

= = =

Oh, I’ll make you, alright.

= = =

“So, gonna take Seeker Last Word up on that offer?”

“Perhaps I will.”

= = =

What do you mean you’ve got a patrol shift and won’t be able to reply for the next few hours?! Are you fragging glitched?!! Are you a tactician or aren’t you? Didn’t what happened to Smokescreen teach you anything?!

If I have to haul your sorry grounder aft out of trouble, I’m putting this down for the record that I told you so.

= = =

“Oh, hey Starscream, where’re you go-” Skywarp eeped and dodged when the Decepticon Air Commander showed no signs of stopping, slowing, or answering the black and purple seeker. “-ing?”

Peering after the departing jet with a puzzled look, the teleporter glanced at the equally puzzled blue seeker drawing near.

“What’s up with Starscream this time?”

“Dunno. I’m going to raid the stores for energon goodies. Come with?”

“Again? Didn’t you just…”

“I’m hungry again.” Skywarp shrugged at Thundercracker, and the other flier sighed.

“Alright. But no more than we can feasibly hide in our quarters.”

“Got it.”

= = =

One could probably track the brightly coloured jet streaking across the sky through any number of means. Sight, or radar, perhaps. Or even the distinctive signals given off by a Cybertronian being, should one possess the requisite technology to detect such transmissions.

Alternatively, one could simply stick their head out the window and listen out for the stream of invective trailing Starscream’s wake.

A glimmer of white caused the flier to break off the tirade and bank for a pass over the Datsun merrily speeding away below, rudely ignoring the aggravated seeker above him. Starscream would have shot at Prowl, if the tactician hadn’t flashed his headlights at the jet and shot off in another direction. The Autobot then repeated this gesture a few more times, spurring several reflex testing manoeuvres on the part of the flier to catch up.

They continued in this manner for a while, a jet chasing a vehicle, a grounded seeker racing an airborne one until Prowl transmitted a query that had Starscream screeching to a halt (literally and figuratively), transforming to hover in midair as the Datsun did the same. Blue optics looked up, and the chevroned mech smirked faintly.

//Afraid, seeker?//

Starscream bristled at the implied taunt, firing back a suitably acerbic reply.

//You are glitched. Why would I trust you? Why would you trust me?!//

//Winged one, I won’t let you fall.//

Prowl’s use of the traditional seeker mech’s entreaty stunned the jet, as did the gentle ping of the formal glyphs requesting a proper link up, Praxian mech to Vosnian femme (something the Decepticon had thought would never happen again after… well, after). The flier accepted almost instinctively, trembling as old subroutines, long unused, came online, and then made the expected reply, for once sounding hesitant and reserved.

//My faith is yours, soar with me.//

A flash of black and white as doors flicked to their widest reach, and angled towards the flier’s current position. Data streamed towards the jet and Starscream keened, folding back into alt mode and returning the favour.

::The sky is ours.::

Across their linked systems, the seeker heard Prowl’s words, and completed the final phrase of the ritual.

::As one, we fly.::

Then wordlessly, Starscream shot into the sky. One mind read the air currents and the other bent them to their will, flinging one frame higher and higher as exhilaration slowly built between them, feeding off one another’s joy. It had been so long since either had done this, rode wildly through the air, heedless of gravity’s restraint, a tether to a ground bound chassis their only point of reference.

Too soon, Starscream registered Prowl coaxing them to the ground once more, and resisted.

::Wind rushing like a torrent, ground dull and passing by too fast to bother with.::

::Wind flowing like a lover’s caress, a beautiful landscape, go slow enough to see.::

::So much to explore, to seek out.:: The flier transformed and whispered, pleading.

::Rest first. You can fly again.:: The Datsun returned, reaching out to the jet.

“I want to fly right now.” Starscream landed in the circle of Prowl’s arms, optics focused skywards.

“For now, be content with a different sort of flight.” The tactician murmured, and then all the Vosnian seeker could process was hands across flight sensitised wings and the heat of living metal pressed to wind chilled plating, and Starscream tumbled helplessly into overload.

= = =

The seeker onlined, then rebooted optics to doublecheck that yes, the both of them were in a fragging cave, and yes, there was a black and white, chevroned and doorwinged Praxian doing something unspeakably pleasurable to Vosnian jet wings. Prowl glanced up at the low, breathy moan from the flier, then moved to cover the Decepticon’s mouth with his own, kissing Starscream until the jet clung to him, whining when the tactician pulled away.

“What are… Why are you still here?” The seeker managed to clear dazed processors enough to ask, and Prowl trailed fingertips over the flier’s lips in reply, smiling when Starscream gasped involuntarily.

“Your cycle is still ongoing, or didn’t you notice? You overloaded before we could initiate spark contact.”

“I wasn’t too fast! You’re just too slow!”

There was a chuckle at the jet’s defensive statement. “Perhaps you just haven’t had any time for yourself? Poor, deprived seeker.”

“Go frag yourself. I’ve not suffered any lack of berth partners.” Starscream growled, and the Datsun ignored the Air Commander’s show of surliness to ask, serenely, as his fingers continued their examination of the Decepticon’s chassis.

“But can any of them do what I did? Can your other lovers help you fly with wild abandon, reckless and free?”

“Can any of yours take you where I did? Into the air, flying as only a seeker-” Prowl did something, and the flier broke off to cycle air frantically, trying to regain control. “-as only Vosnian seekers can? Stop that!”

“Hmm. I think I won’t. Do any of your other lovers know where to touch a seeker? What to whisper into their audios? Do they praise your skill in the air, swift one? Do they admire your bright wings with all the wonder they should?”

Starscream’s helm shook in mute reply as the doorwinged mech sought out every last sensor node on the jet’s frame, slowly and surely pushing the seeker to the brink. The Decepticon’s helm dropped backwards, and Prowl dipped his helm low to nibble on the flier’s neck cables, still murmuring quietly.

“Do they call you beautiful, from wing tips to thrusters, as they rightfully should?”

Red optics flickered as the chevroned mech cupped Starscream’s faceplates with both hands, and the jet’s processors stalled when the exploratory touches didn’t stop. Starscream tried to exclaim in shock, only for Prowl’s doors to spread above them as the Praxian bombarded the jet’s systems with a flood of data, just as the bot behind the stunned seeker let loose a sonic hum that set the flier’s sensors on fire. Unable to cope with the dual assault, Starscream overloaded again with a loud cry.

= = =

“You, are an underhanded, conniving glitch.”

“Why, Prowler, I think Starscream likes you.”

Starscream onlined optics to glower at the visored mech currently serving as the jet’s backrest, and who was also keeping the Decepticon upright by wrapping his arms firmly about the flier’s midsection.

“That goes for you too, you perverted reprobate.”

“Ooh, Screamer likes me too.”

Jazz grinned in response to Starscream’s intensifying glare, and ran his hands over the joints of the jet’s wings once more. The flier stiffened in surprise at how good the light contact felt, and the saboteur purred, over the sound of another black and white mech’s chuckles.


“This… Didn’t I just…?”

The seeker’s confusion prompted another chuckle as Prowl settled into the Air Commander’s lap, stroking the jet’s cockpit gently.

“Spark contact, Starscream.”

The seeker blinked, then arched when the Datsun’s touches shifted from soothing to something more erotic, and mewled when the tactician pressed a hot kiss to the glass. Starscream’s plating split open with a quiet hiss, unnoticed under the sound of the jet’s panting intakes and whimpers, and the flier’s spark chamber came into view.

Prowl did notice, however, and moved to pay attention to the seeker’s exposed core, drawing a pleasured shriek from the flier. The Autobot SIC kissed the jet again, still caressing Starscream’s spark chamber, and the Decepticon’s optics flickered offline.

“Oooh Primus…”

The chevroned mech caught the Ops mech’s visor, and both Autobots shared a quick smile at the seeker’s moan. Prowl moved to murmur into the trembling jet’s audio.

“Open up, Starscream, I want to see you.”

A soft whine as the jet writhed in Jazz’s hold, and soon the light of a spark illuminated the space between Praxian and Vosnian. Red optics lit in determination, and Starscream reached for the tactician, pulling him down for another kiss, free hand roaming the Datsun’s chestplates, making Prowl’s intakes whirr madly. Then the seeker turned to Jazz, kissing him as well. When both Autobots were revving hard, the Decepticon panted to the doorwinged mech.

“Now. Please!”

Prowl’s spark joined Starscream’s in brightening their cave for a brief moment, then both lights were pressed against each other, and all three crashed into overload.

= = =

“Starscream! Where have you been?! All the seekers suddenly- Are you humming?”

Thundercracker and Skywarp watched as Megatron gaped at the seeker practically skipping past him, smiling faintly, processor clearly elsewhere. As the Decepticon warlord stared after his Air Commander’s diminishing form, Skywarp turned to the blue seeker, pouting.

The other seeker raised an optic ridge at the purple and black jet, and the teleporter grumbled. “You got the nice one, and Starscream got overloaded so hard, all of us felt it. Why’d I end up with the afthead?”

Thundercracker shrugged, and Skywarp vented air in aggravation, turning to stalk after their trine leader.

“It's not fair. Next time, I’m getting Prowl.”

= = = EndFic = = =

'verse: seeker mechs and femmes, fic

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