onkoona I'm sorry (The Edo files, part 7)
Sai sat at his bedside.
Sai, are you there?
"Yes Torajiro-chan, I am here."
Sai, I can't move... I think it will be soon now. He exhaled.
Sai agreed; he had seen it in the others, that moment just before the end.
I guess I get to find out now, don't I? the thought was wry.
"Greet the lady Tachibana for me."
I will do so.
A rasping halting breath.
Will you take care of my goban?
"Yes, of course I will."
My faithful go friend.
We played some good games on that board, didn't we?
"They were glorious."
Should have been so many more. I'm sorry Sai, I did my best.
"Don't worry yourself about it."
Sai saw, as he had seen it in others just recently, Torajiro's spirit detaching from his body. Sai grasped his hand as they both floated up to a standing position.
"So this is what it's like?" Torajiro asked in wonder. He wore his best clothes and his hair was neat again; he looked like he had a few short weeks ago, strong and vibrant.
But as it went with the others it also went with Torajiro; Sai could feel him slipping away.
"Thank you for letting me play." he said.
"No, thank you, for making me prosper. And for all you taught me. And," maybe Torajiro was feeling it too, "Take care of my goban for me." He stepped forward and gave Sai a strong hug, before he broke up into a million tiny stars, which floated up and away.
Sai sank to the ground in seiza behind the goban; he put his hands on it. A spirit cloth floated down and
covered both him and the goban. He closed his eyes, and time ceased to exist.