Title: Dog, Part 1, Chapter 3: The Time Is Now
Series: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Characters/Pairings: some 8059, Tsuna, etc...
Rating: G for now
see here. And I always forget, but THANK YOU
artillie for the awesome beta, as usual~
all meetings come to pass )
Comments 15
Yamamoto's looking at Gokudera, right? Then it should be the Storm Guardian y/y?
and how come you never mentioned Birds beta-ing for you?
The one above is here. There are couple more cool ones, like this one (but the song got annoying after a while...) and that one (in which I have no idea wtf the song choice was about).
:D It's good to hear from you~
i was really glad with how you portrayed the friendship elements still remaining between the three. Yamamoto's flashback was great; very natural yet it lightened the melancholy mood really emphasizing the rest of the chapter ^_^. It's awesome how fast you are pumping these out, but heres to hoping you can continue at this rate.
by the way, do you have an inkling as to how long this will end up being, or are you more playing it by ear
I've actually got half of this written already, I'm just putting up whatever I already have beta'd. D: On the other hand, I'm furiously trying to write the rest, which has thankfully already formed in my head.
But even so, there's still a LOT of plot to go through, so...no, I've got no inkling how long this will be. 20 chapters? 25? Dunno.
XD Thanks for always reading~
wonderful, wonderful story, can't wait for the next part to see what happens and I do have my own thoughts about the dog, but I will wait patiently and see...
Please continue, it's fantastic.
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