for lookscold B(

Jan 02, 2012 22:19


[and then it faded it black... just kidding....] )

xiaolongbaozhu, lookscold

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xiaolongbaozhu January 4 2012, 10:20:01 UTC
[No really, thanks, because Hong Kong might have actually forgotten to. If he had one. Which is also something he forgets, because his kungfu pants are fly-free and he only finds out when searching at his own waistline. So for now he gives up with that, instead working and pulling at Iceland's clothing instead. It's a struggle but eventually he manages to get those fabric barriers down enough to expose the other, doing his best to tug them off but failing because of those goddamn hooker boots[Those laces are enough of a deterrant to his patience and he gives up right away, and instead his fingers go to fumble at the sash around his waist- it's too constrictive, too troublesome, and everything is too hot right now. The buttons of his top are clumsily undone, shirt falling open and he begins to kiss at Iceland once more as his hands finally go to his own pants and draw them down. Bare chest presses against fabric and that in itself is frustrating- but he's too drunk and impatient to care. If his friend wants to strip then it'll have to ( ... )


lookscold January 8 2012, 12:24:28 UTC
[OH MY GOD. JUST. FUCK YOU. Iceland grabs Hong Kong's hand and ungracefully begins sucking loosely on his fingers. This is the best that he's going to get, isn't it?]


[He keeps this up for a while, doing his GOD. DAMN. BEST. To coat up Hong Kong's fingers since the other is too stupid to go get a bottle of something more useful before finally releasing those digits from his mouth.]



xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 12:34:40 UTC
[NO HE'S GONNA BE THE ONE DOING THE FUCKING HERE-- oh. Oh he likes that keep that up. Hong Kong lets out a small sound at the feeling of his friend sucking on his fingers and pressing his tongue against them and when he lets them go he's actually somewhat disappointed.]


[Fingers?? Lube???? .........]


[He glances between Iceland's lips and at his fingers and at his cock and then finally at Iceland's ass. AND THEN FINALLY THINGS SORT OF CLICK INTO PLACE.]


[Hong Kong moves down, coated fingers sliding down between his friend's legs, letting his touch linger along his length before finally pressing against his entrance. Then, he begins to slide one in, met with far less resistance than before, working slowly until it's in up its knuckle before glancing up hazily at Iceland. IS HE DOING THIS RIGHT YET.]


lookscold January 8 2012, 12:57:22 UTC
[ohhhhh ja nai. jfc.]

[Iceland tenses up slightly. It's not as smooth as he'd like, but this'll do fine. Just fine. It helps that he's drunk and he really doesn't care as much. As long as something is done beforehand, it's all good. However, Hong Kong's hazy glance won't be met with anything. After waiting so long for something like this, Iceland is too busy holding back noises, eyes shut tight as the other fingers him. His toes are beginning to curl and his hands grasping softly and slowly, but aimlessly, at the couch.]


xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 13:01:58 UTC
[The sight of the other gasping and shifting and lying back flushed with his eyes shut is more than good enough for Hong Kong, and it reassures him past his drunken haze that he's probably doing the right thing. He works a little while at it before slipping another finger in as carefully as he can manage (which is not really), and begins to spread and curl both of them within Iceland. He's pretty much just experimenting at his whims for now, not quite in a state to be analysing his friend's every reaction for pleasure unless it's blatantly obvious.]


MAN I CAN'T EVEN CONCENTRATE LOL THIS TAG SUCKS lookscold January 9 2012, 10:48:44 UTC
[Really, Hong Kong doesn't need to do any analyzing. It's enough for Iceland, and even if those curls and bends are sloppy... Man, he doesn't care. Good. Enough. Drunk Iceland is not a picky Iceland; he just wanted something before they started fucking outright. His hair is getting more and more messed up, writhing his head against the couch as Hong Kong spoils him.]


[Iceland's already pretty out of breath, but Hong Kong has waited long enough. Mediocre prep, but whatever.]

okay hong jus' do it...


HI xiaolongbaozhu January 11 2012, 09:44:24 UTC

[Sorry, he meant to say FUCK YES FINALLY. All the same, Hong Kong concentrates with all his drunk concentration on withdrawing his fingers and taking hold of his legs, perhaps a bit more enthusiastically than last time, and positioning himself to move into him. This time he doesn't even bother to wait, juuuust in case Iceland wanted to change his mind again- and pushes hard against his entrance, finally entering his friend without another word of notice.]

[A long moan slips out at the sensation of Iceland around him and Hong Kong only forces himself in deeper until his cock is fully buried in the other. The feeling is overwhelming, but his impatience is even greater, and pressing his face to his friend's neck with a small sound Hong Kong begins to move.]


yada hon kira da te etc IN WHICH CHI TAG SLOW lookscold January 13 2012, 10:19:40 UTC
[Iceland's head immediately flings back, eyes cringing. There's some initial discomfort, yes, but it isn't exactly his first time treading in these waters hunting for the elusive penis shark to come take a bite at him- Oh no. Definitely not. It only takes a moment or two for that discomfort to subside and for him to relax with the other inside him. There's a low sound, curdling in his throat and threatening to escape; but he holds it back.]

[Hhhhowever, there's no holding back once Hong Kong begins to move against and into him. There's a lack of pacing and experience, but fuck if Iceland cares. Hong Kong is drunk. Iceland's drunk. I'm sure none of them care; plus it's not like Iceland is a sex god himself. He'll take what he can get.]

[His hands twitch and turn, desperate to grab a hold of something as he moans out high, desperate sounds that prove he's not quite satisfied with the situation yet. It can get better than this. Surely. It will get better. Just be patient, Iceland.]


nnnnn JAY DOES TOO xiaolongbaozhu January 16 2012, 11:42:45 UTC
[His movements are somewhat clumsy and inexperienced, but what Hong Kong doesn't have in skill he certainly makes up for with enthusiasm. After being denied SO MANY TIMES it only makes this relief all the more greater, and even past the drunken haze he takes pleasure in the sounds currently slipping past his friend's lips as he matches them with his own.]

[Hong Kong lifts his head to press kisses along his jaw, moaning as he thrusts into him. Much as he just wants to fuck his friend hard into the couch, he can't move all that fast just yet and it's frustrating. But with time that pace does pick up a little, and he gets that little bit closer to fulfilling his drunken desires. Hong Kong buries his face once more in Iceland's neck to kiss at him again before nipping at his throat, letting out satisfied-but-not sounds against it.]


.... i gave into the silly and i apologize (IN MY DEFENSE WE HAVE SERIOUS SMUT THREADS ALL THE TIME) lookscold January 18 2012, 07:40:26 UTC
[In which mun takes so long to reply and forgets everything Despite how tense he is, being fucked hard into the couch somehow allows him to sink into it. He really doesn't give a fuck about any discomfort or lack of readiness he may be experiencing- HE'S BEING SCREWED AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. FUCK YEAH, DRUNK TEENAGE NATION HORMONES. How do you deal with them while you're sober, Iceland? Geez.]

[Iceland moans hard as the other thrusts into him. As clumsy as Hong Kong is, it doesn't really matter. Hell, Iceland can't even notice. His head bends back further, giving Hong Kong the room he needs to nip and mark him; mouth open and groaning into the air each time his friend hit him just right.]

[And then.]

[Well, and then Iceland experiences a weird bout of drunken dizziness and sort of.]

[Rolls off the couch.]



i apologise for making you wait so long for this tag xiaolongbaozhu January 21 2012, 09:48:44 UTC



lololol lookscold January 21 2012, 09:51:50 UTC



[On the floor.]



what happend n where am i now hh..



wasn't it wonderful xiaolongbaozhu January 21 2012, 10:13:24 UTC



[but he's too drunk to properly express his annoyedness so the only response Iceland gets is an unintelligible drunken mumble of irritation. Then he finds himself unceremoniously rolled onto his back once more and pinned down against the hard floor, before Hong Kong outright closes his teeth on his his throat and goes right back to thrusting himself into him.]


oh yes lookscold January 21 2012, 10:42:09 UTC
[WELL IT'S NOT ICELAND'S FAULT but it is my fault whoops.]

[And considering Iceland's drunken mind is as slow as a snail, he doesn't even have time to register that Hong Kong is on top of him once more. Well, not until he feels that sharp pain at his throat and he lets out a noise of pain... Before that sensation from below catches up with the pain, that is. Then that yelp turns into a hard moan. Iceland just lets himself be victim to those teeth; lets himself get fucked hard onto the floor. All without doing a single thing.]

[Possibly because he's still pretty, "wut is goin' on."]

[Possibly because he's fucking lazy.]

[Possibly both.]

[But, hell, he eventually does something. His cheeks build up a deeper red, his breaths become intensely erratic, and he swings his arms around the other; holding him hard and digging nails into the other's back. Of course, it shouldn't really hurt considering Hong Kong still has his shirt on- BUT PRESSURE IS PRESSURE ( ... )


i was planning on tagging more after this but then hk fell asleep on me xiaolongbaozhu January 23 2012, 17:36:22 UTC
[WHATEVER WHATEVER NEITHER IS HE it's okay they can both suck cocks together. Even as Iceland's arms tighten around him, Hong Kong's preeetty much almost there as well, rocking faster and faster into the other as low breathy moans escape with those alcohol-imbued breaths against his throat, until he's forced to break that bite and let all those sounds out loud into the air ( ... )


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