for lookscold B(

Jan 02, 2012 22:19


[and then it faded it black... just kidding....] )

xiaolongbaozhu, lookscold

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xiaolongbaozhu January 4 2012, 10:20:01 UTC
[No really, thanks, because Hong Kong might have actually forgotten to. If he had one. Which is also something he forgets, because his kungfu pants are fly-free and he only finds out when searching at his own waistline. So for now he gives up with that, instead working and pulling at Iceland's clothing instead. It's a struggle but eventually he manages to get those fabric barriers down enough to expose the other, doing his best to tug them off but failing because of those goddamn hooker boots[Those laces are enough of a deterrant to his patience and he gives up right away, and instead his fingers go to fumble at the sash around his waist- it's too constrictive, too troublesome, and everything is too hot right now. The buttons of his top are clumsily undone, shirt falling open and he begins to kiss at Iceland once more as his hands finally go to his own pants and draw them down. Bare chest presses against fabric and that in itself is frustrating- but he's too drunk and impatient to care. If his friend wants to strip then it'll have to ( ... )


dude don't jinx them xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 08:55:14 UTC


[.....suck Iceland off....!?]

[Hong Kong clambers back onto the couch (AND HIS HEAD HURTS FUCK YOU ICE though he'll get to that later i guess) and shoots him another look- then lowers his head down, presses his mouth to and draws his tongue once against his friend's cock. His hands settle on his thighs before parting his lips around him and Hong Kong starts to suck lightly on the tip.]

[Is that what you wanted, Iceland.]


/jinxes lookscold January 5 2012, 09:05:04 UTC
hong what're you doin--

[A small moan interrupts him. Just that sweep of the tongue is enough for his breath to harden and harsh. This isn't exactly what Iceland had in mind- But it'll do. For now. Hong Kong, you're still gonna have to figure out how to prep, god. One of his hands grasps at the couch, almost aimlessly. It's pretty impossible to brace himself against the couch's fabric, after-all.]

[So, he settles for reaching his hand out and patting Hong Kong's head clumsily.]

[Good Hong Kong.]

[Pat pat pat. Yes. That feels nice, it-- Then Hong Kong sucks at the tip of his cock and his hand goes to clutch a handful on his friend's dark hair. Hhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhgggggghhhh.]


N-NOOOOOO xiaolongbaozhu January 5 2012, 16:37:59 UTC
[The influence of alcohol allows him to overcome any lack of confidence in what he's doing and just go for it. Iceland's reaction is encouraging; Hong Kong likes the feeling of his hand in his hair and lets out an unrestrained noise around his cock. Then, he begins to move. It's unsteady and amateur, with the occasional graze of teeth and made all the more clumsy with that drunkenness, but he's doing his best right now, head rising and falling as he takes his friend in deeper into his mouth and sucks and licks before drawing away. Hong Kong draws his tongue along the other's length before wrapping his lips around it once more, and he repeats those motions over and over just to make his friend feel good. For now, just for Iceland, he'll be patient.]

[Even though he's still missing the whole point, oops.]


AND THEN CHI TAGGED AFTER FOREVER lookscold January 8 2012, 10:20:48 UTC
[Iceland's hips rise against Hong Kong's mouth, lips, tongue, all while gifting the air with thick moans of a rather generous volume. Hey. You two drunk teens better hope there's no one nearby. Well, apparently except for Ned. Where did he go, anyway? OH WELL. Iceland hands twists Hong Kong's hair after a particularly nice take-in... Normally, Iceland would feel rather guilty about it. But. Nope. Not right now. He's not even aware he did it. So enjoy that hair pulling, Hong.]


[Hong Kong.]

[You should probably stop missing the point soon. As great as this is, Iceland can't take too much when he's drunk and he's gonna end up coming in your mouth and then passing out.]


IT'S OKEY hi chi long time no see xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 10:38:43 UTC
[LIKE HELL HE'D LET THAT HAPPEN. He's waited long enough to fuck him, gosh. Hong Kong lets a groan slip out as Iceland twists his hair, and as his lips draw back up he decides that's enough of spoiling Iceland and it's his turn to enjoy himself now. With a final sweep of his tongue against his friend, he moves to position himself over Iceland once more.]

[Raising those legs again, pressing his lips to his neck as his cock presses against his entrance, Hong Kong is impatient to move, and he's already anticipating the relief once Iceland lets him start rocking into him. YES, HE IS HORNY AS FUCK RIGHT NOW, LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S DRUNK AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, ICELAAaactually no don't leave him alone disregard that.]


ikr lookscold January 8 2012, 10:48:07 UTC

[Iceland's barely managing to state his resistance because he's still panting from having his cock sucked. It may not sound very sincere because of those hard breaths and... Because of how flushed his face is from alcohol and receiving a blowjob... A...nd his half-lidded eyes don't help either...]



noooooo not yettttt


find lube or somethinnnnnnnnnn'


indeed xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 11:17:21 UTC
[HE'S ALL READY TO THRUST IN, AW YES-- but then, there's an unsteady hand pressing against his face. He looks up, breathing hard himself, more than affected by how the other looks right now with his lidded eyes and heavy breathing and flushed cheeks and the feeling of his cock pressed lightly against the other AND JUST. SO CLOSE TO PUSHING IN.]


[DAMMIT. ICE. STOP. COCKBLOCKING HIM. He gives a clumsy headbutt against him that turns into a frustrated but lazy nuzzling, as he rubs his face against him and presses sloppy kisses to his skin, as though it'd persuade him to stop complaining.]

What d'yawan me to doooooooo.



lookscold January 8 2012, 11:27:27 UTC

[Iceland stutters. Those sloppy kisses, believe it or not, actually work to an extent. His hand stop pushing at Hong Kong and there's a small hitch of the breath. He can still vocally resist, though.]

gotta nooooooo


[Yes, Iceland. This is helpful.]

do it before going in!!!



xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 11:50:23 UTC
G'ta whaaaaaaaaat, Ice.

[His voice is increasing in volume and irritation and ICELAND HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND YOU IMI WAKANNAI. However, even he can tell this is pretty important if his friend's stopped him twice already from doing ... this. And he's pretty sure his friend wants it as much as he does.]

[Hong Kong heaves a big drunken sigh, moves to kiss at the corner of Iceland's lips before dropping his chin on the other's chest, letting his legs fall and moves his own hips away slightly so that he doesn't have to deal with the frustration the pressure is bringing him- though the frustration is still there, obviously.]


What. Is itttt.


lookscold January 8 2012, 11:56:18 UTC
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to do itttttt!!


prep so it dusnnt hurrttt, hooooong

[I like how whiny they both are. Do you like how whiny they both are?]


xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 12:10:54 UTC

But Iiiiiiice.

[Hong Kong gives up on his kissing attempts and buries his face in his friend's neck once more, voice muffled and vibrating against Iceland's throat as he continues.]

Y'din't like it when I triiiiiied.

[Because trying to force in a dry finger is totally prep to ensure it doesn't hurt, amirite.]


lookscold January 8 2012, 12:14:15 UTC
y'didn' do it riiiiiiiiiight.

[So fuck you.]

hooongggg you dont get anythin' til you do it right.

[Iceland grabs Hong Kong's head and forces him away from his neck, drunkenly waving a finger with the free hand as if lecturing him.]

if i can learn t'do it
y'can learn t'do it

that song was from that............ana...anata...anesthesia movie.


xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 12:18:03 UTC
[Hong Kong gives him a long hard stare, trying his utmost best to process his words.]

[Then he gives up and just kind of tries to nuzzle against the hand at his face. Pet him more, Ice, pet him more!]


lookscold January 8 2012, 12:19:38 UTC



xiaolongbaozhu January 8 2012, 12:20:56 UTC


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