TV, the Olympics and VIVIDCON (4 more days!)

Aug 10, 2008 00:13

OMG you guys! sisabet just made an Arrested Development vid!!! It's about George Michael and it's incredibly cute and hilariously funny (show, how are you so brilliant?) and I adore it to pieces. Go watch now ( Read more... )

project runway, vidding, tv, queer as folk, vividcon, technology sucks, sports, house, house/wilson, vid rec, arrested development, mad men

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Comments 13

tinted_glass August 10 2008, 06:13:59 UTC
RE: HOUSE: WHAT? WHAT? I've been too busy gorging on Smallville fic to pay attention to anything IMPORTANT, it seems.

Investigation time!


anoel August 10 2008, 18:35:37 UTC
Go watch the promos!! They are amazing and squeeworthy.


indybaggins August 10 2008, 07:25:32 UTC
House- really? I too haven't been paying much attention. Going to look at the comms right now!!! :)


anoel August 10 2008, 18:36:23 UTC
Yep! There's a new one that has even more good stuff in it.


indybaggins August 10 2008, 18:42:50 UTC
The one I saw had the cane joke in it. My heart almost stopped at the look in House's eyes when he's at Wilson's door. Angst! God, it's so perfect. That trailer is a marvel of slashiness. And that was not even the one that's mentioned below! *big eyes*


anoel August 10 2008, 18:49:07 UTC
Gah that look! It kills me. I cannot wait for the slashiness and angst and love. It keeps getting better!


obsessive24 August 10 2008, 08:27:32 UTC
And of course, I'll cheer more for teams from people who are on my Flist. So far the countries I've got are Canada, the UK, Australia, Belgium, Germany, France, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain...anyone on my Flist from somewhere else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some because I suck at thinking of things at the top of my head.
Well, I'm in New Zealand but the last time I checked I'm still Chinese, and I root for China at the Olympics more than NZ (largely because the Chinese get loads more medals and in the pretty sports like gymnastics and diving :P ), so feel free to cheer for China too. ;)

How shall we meet up for MM at vividcon? Just randomly look at people's badges until we find each other? My phone won't work in the US so I'm not bringing it.


anoel August 10 2008, 18:37:36 UTC
Okay, will do!

I'm sure by Sunday we'll know what each other look like! It shouldn't be too hard to set a place/time.


(The comment has been removed)

anoel August 10 2008, 18:38:30 UTC
YES! She actually is talking about herself being the idiot she is but at least she's bringing up sleeping with Wilson! I did die of squee when I thought that but still, House would so sleep with Wilson to keep him there hehe.


indybaggins August 10 2008, 18:39:19 UTC
Hi, I don't know you, put please link me towards this thing of beauty? :)


anoel August 10 2008, 18:47:58 UTC
I've got it :) New House promo.


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