TV, the Olympics and VIVIDCON (4 more days!)

Aug 10, 2008 00:13

OMG you guys! sisabet just made an Arrested Development vid!!! It's about George Michael and it's incredibly cute and hilariously funny (show, how are you so brilliant?) and I adore it to pieces. Go watch now!

Remember how I said I wasn't going to spoil myself for House? Well I resisted until a few days ago when the promos came out and I just couldn't not look (plus video spoilers aren't as bad as text) And thank god I did because OMG can House and Wilson get any slashier? I swear, I was speechless and then sent into the land of flailing squee. I Don't ever change, show! (SO CANON) COUPLES COUNSELING!!! does this show exist? They are such a couple and of course they would need counseling after everything that happened in the finale! And Cuddy as therapist=perfect. OT3 anyone? And Wilson as the one thing House leans on! (not the cane) The editing of House's inner angst at Wilson resigning! Wilson resigning like in 118 (it matters!!!) House will do anything to get him back! House trying to get into Wilson's apartment OMG. That clip is going to be used in a lot of AU vids, I predict because DAMN House looks sexy and like he so wants to do Wilson. Gah, tell me there's going to be fic of House seducing Wilson into staying with him. Pretty please? This show really is trying to kill me with squee, I swear. Oh, boys. *sings Breaking Up Is Hard To Do*

So Flist, how did I not hear that Nathan Fillion is going to star in a new show, The Castle about a horror writer that consults with the NYPD that's probably going to be picked up by ABC midseason? And that there's also a good chance that Rob Thomas's show, Good Behavior about a family of criminals led by a matriarch will be picked up then as well. So awesome! ABC keeps getting good points with me. Also I updated my TV schedule with premiere dates and apparently I'm watching 27 shows this year not counting the 10 or so new shows I'm checking out. Um, I'm crazy? Thank god I like it that way. And I'm so behind but apparently J.K Rowling is going to do a collection of short stories including something with Dumbledore/Grindelwald OMG YAY! I definitely want to learn more about my one remaining HP ship.

So I was thinking about how I'm just not very interested in the sports at the Olympics but then someone mentioned gymnastics and I was like YES THAT. That's what I want to watch! I love gymnastics, used to do it as a kid but got frustrated that I had to do floor and sometimes vault when I really just wanted to do bars and beam all day. I still would like to take it up again someday as I reeally liked doing the uneven bars. Apart from that and a little tennis, I'm mostly just going to be checking out random sports once and awhile. I'm rooting for USA of course but I'm always up for cheering for any countries and players who do a great job and make it fun to watch. And of course, I'll cheer more for teams from people who are on my Flist. So far the countries I've got are Canada, the UK, Australia, Belgium, Germany, France, New Zealand, Sweden, Spain...anyone on my Flist from somewhere else? I'm sure I'm forgetting some because I suck at thinking of things at the top of my head.

I watched a little of the So You Think You Can Dance finale and it was fun. I finally got to see the great Will who was wonderful. Mostly though I lamented the lack of m/m dances. I wondered if there ever was any until conveniently someone on my Flist answered my question with no unless you count the fight dances or whatnot. Cmon, there's gotta be another Prom scene out there someday! I do enjoy shows like American Idol and the dancing shows because I do love singing and dance but there's just not enough of a creative competition element like Project Runway. Plus I hate the America voting aspect because ultimately it usually ends up like political elections where I am left cursing half the population for having the bad sense to choose someone I don't like. Thank god the stakes are much lower. I'd rather just get mad at a few judges who at least are more qualified to judge than me.

Have I mentioned that my last external hard drive stopped working on my laptop? Works on other computers, just not mine. Argh. And it has all my Queer as Folk episodes on it! Not only can I not vid it but now when I'm in the mood for my B/J and pretty gay boy loving, I can't even watch it. Why is life so unfair? And to continue with the tech curse, three pairs of headphones (two cheap, one expensive), stopped working. The first two in a span of two days. It's ridiculous really.

So I went to Ithaca this weekend to visit lianri and did some shopping and found some great things! I'm excited. Project Runway has also influenced me way too much and I kept finding clothes that reminded me of Christian. I found one shirt that is *perfect* for Vividcon...except I won't be able to wear it til next year. Damn it. I love it LOTS though.

Speaking of Vividcon, only 4 more days! Eeeee. I'm caught up with Psych so now I only have to finish Smallville season 7 in four days. Totally doable, at least for me. I am so glad VVC is this weekend because the one thing that I want to go to second most in all the world, training with Jillian Michaels (and hanging out!) with a bunch of people from her site is that very same weekend. On the one hand, it sucks that it's at the same time but since there's no way I could afford it anyway, at least I won't spend a weekend at home being jealous. I'll be at Vividcon having an amazing time! In the end, VVC rules all.

One more day until Mad Men! Yes, I have been counting down days every single day this week. I am so easy sometimes.

project runway, vidding, tv, queer as folk, vividcon, technology sucks, sports, house, house/wilson, vid rec, arrested development, mad men

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