Aug 14, 2008 00:29

OMG it's VIVIDCON tomorrow!!! The last few days I've had big bursts of excitement and now I just cannot contain it and I'm super hyper and bouncy and high because I'm going to be at VIVIDCON tomorrow!!! I've been dancing and running to try to let it out but that's just making it worse. Oh god, so much energy and I still have stuff to do. Like pack!

For the record, I will be at the hotel anywhere from 3:30-4 as my flight arrives at 3 PM. My cellphone number is the same and it's turned on and everything so feel free to call me whenever. On the agenda, seeing everyone (HUGS!!!), working out with counteragent and seeing the vidding documentary. And there's going to be Veronica Mars, Doctor Who, Middleman and Slings and Arrows room parties that I'm excited for. Oh and I've got my Club Vivid outfit for the year! It works for me, can't wait to dance to all the new vids :D I can't wait to see everyone times INFINITY! I miss you all. And seriously, I want to talk and hang out with everyone! I don't care if I don't know you at all, vidlove connects us all as does fandom and I always like to meet new people at VVC. And anyones welcome to hang out with me at any time!

Okay my LJ addon just announced it's Vividcon's birthday this Friday! Six years old, how cool is that? My mind is so hyper right now, I keep going from one thing to another. It doesn't help that I saw a promo with JILLIAN in it during the Olympics and so now I'm crazy excited for that. Too many things!

I'm also watching 27 shows this fall for sure. And up to 10 (or more?) new shows will be tried out. Have I mentioned I'm crazy? Hahaha good. I keep seeing promos during the Olympics of shows that I'm watching and it makes me so happy. Especially The Office ones. I love fall TV!

So I've been trying to catch up with Smallville and I'm only at the beginning of S7 but gah, when did this show get so bad? I just...the dialogue is so horrible, I'm sorry. It makes me laugh a lot especially when I predict what they say. Lex is still smoking hot thankfully and Lionel is a wonderful magnificent bastard (LOVED that scene with him and Martha in the end of S6) but I'm mostly meh about everyone else. Kudos to Lana in the season premiere though. I thought the storylines in S6 were kind of meh but this season is just putting me to sleep for the most part. Except for super hot newspaper guy. And oh god, Clana. I want to KILL MYSELF because of them. Barf, barf and more barf. Most hated onscreen canon couple times a BILLION. Didn't Al Gough or whoever promised no more Clana? Stupid liars. I went from closing my eyes, to skipping their scenes to having to turn an episode off it was so bad. Look, in S1 it was kind of cute sometimes in a infatuated first love kind of way. In season 7? It's LAME. They're 22 for godsake! Change in subject, Lex is HOT. I remember why I fell in love with him back in the day. I feel bad for MR though, I can see why he wants to get off the show. And as for KK well, I watched Sugar the other day and that says it all in terms of her characters. I'm so sick of the pedestal and the boys revolving around her life. Just get rid of all of them and be your own person! God.

Anyways, back to the squee. Vividcon in 12 hours OMG! Once a year this happens and it sneaks up on me after the long wait and then I get there and I wish it would never ever end. I mean it needs to because I have a billion things to do from vidding, watching new vids, feedbacking, reccing, etc but still, it's heaven. I promised myself I would never miss it barring a catastrophe so every time I go, it feels so good to be there. This is it guys. The big one. The one we've all been waiting for. /Oliver Wood. I can see the hotel so vividly in my mind, it'll always be my favorite with the staircase and the con rooms and House O'Meat and the big lobby and the elevator *recalls it fondly* Does anyone know what time breakfast begins and ends? *jealous of everyone already there* New vids in two days OMG! This is going to be amaaaazing.

Vid LOVE forever and I'll see everyone soon!

vidding, vividcon, smallville

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