So I really wanted to make a Kaldrick vid and
jarrow really wanted a Kaldrick vid so this was the perfect Festivids fit. Except I needed to find a song. I wanted to find a hip hop song or a Frank Ocean mashup to a hip hop song but I couldn't find anything. So I was listening to some music on my iPhone when I heard Beautiful in LA which I immediately pegged as a LA Complex vidsong. Upon repeated listening, I realized it actually fit perfectly for Kaldrick even if the music wasn't quite *him*. I put off listening to the song once I got my assignment because I wanted to vid it so much but after golive and vidchat, I was inspired and started working on making it as a treat even if I was unsure about time. Thankfully it vidded itself and most of it was done in vidfarr. It was SO much fun to vid the LA shots (which combined with the song seemed a dead giveaway guesswise) Kaaaaldrick and his feeelings.
Title: Beautiful in Los Angeles
Music: "Beautiful in Los Angeles" by Garrison Starr (live)
Fandom: The LA Complex
Focus: Kaldrick
Spoilers: S1-2
Summary: I'm so far away.
Beautiful in Los Angeles (60 MB) Streaming:
Beautiful in Los Angeles streaming Made for
jarrow. All feedback (including concrit) is much appreciated. Enjoy!
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