New vid: Halfway Through the Wood

Jan 18, 2013 20:32

When I got assigned to fictorium, I was super excited because she wrote one of my favorite Swan Queen fics, Halfway Through the Wood which is based off the Awake TV show. I had been thinking of trying to make a fic trailer for it and this was the perfect oppurtunity to do it. I had never done a trailer before so I looked into some fanmade ones to get a better idea of how to do it. Turns out they're HARD especially when you're not using source audio. It was a lot of fun though to try to recreate some of the scenes and storyline. I don't know how successful I was but it was a fun experiment. And if you haven't read the fic, you SHOULD. It's here.

Title: Halfway Through the Wood
Music: Awake Theme by Reinhold Heil and Johnny Klimek
Fandom: Once Upon a Time S1-208
Ship: Regina/Emma
Summary: Which reality is real?
Notes: Made for
damelola (fictorium) for the
ouat_exchange, based on the fic, Halfway Through The Wood by fictorium. Thanks to
thirdblindmouse for the quick beta!

Link: Halfway Through The Wood (62 MB)
Streaming: Halfway Through The Wood streaming
AO3 | Tumblr

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