New vid: Curiosity (Boy Meets World)

Jan 05, 2013 02:00

So I never get matched up with the people I expect for Festivids so I was all, well there's no way I'll get matched up with I get matched up with Eli. YEP ELI WAS MY ASSIGNMENT! I wake up Festivids morning to elipie's text that assignments were out and I check mine to see that mine was elipie. OF COURSE. I burst out laughing cause I did not see it coming and had no prepared assignment. Thus began a Festivid full of LIES. So I basically couldn't work on my actual assignment on the many weekends I vidded together with elipie (and sometimes
rhoboat). I got matched on Breaking Bad and I had two ideas for that, both to pop songs and one to One Direction. I had a lot of it clipped so I figured it wouldn't be too hard. I started trying to vid it...nothing. I just was not feeling it. So I started looking at some of the other sources, all of which I could possibly do. I even had vague notions of pulling a
franzeska and vidding ALL of the sources. Haha no, I'm not that crazy and I didn't have the time. Now hanging out with Eli taught me two things: she REALLY expected a Breaking Bad vid and she reeeally wanted a Boy Meets World vid and she DID NOT EXPECT IT AT ALL. Me: Challenge Accepted.

So I saw a few episodes of Boy Meets World in my youth and liked it but hadn't seen it in forever. When I watched it in high school, I remembered slashing Cory/Shawn (and Eric/Jack but less) so if the vid was for me, that's what I would be making (and in watching this, let me just say: THEY ARE SUCH BOYFRIENDS!!!! OMG). But Eli wanted: Oh my god, TOPANGA. TOPANGA/COREY. TOPANGA/STUDIES. TOPANGA/LIFE. I just love her to death. I would basically either really like a character study of her or a vid kind of telling the story of her relationship with Corey (which I know is daunting, but if not during Festivids, when else can I beg for something like this to be made for me?). So I decided to do both because I do aim to please :) I found a song, Curiosity by Carly Rae Jepsen which pinged me for Topanga and I thought would be perfect for a Topanga/Studies vid...until I kept listening to it and I realized that this vid wanted to be a Topanga/Cory vid too. Okay then. Also with the announcement of Girl Meets World, I figured I had to watch it all so I could check out the show and really understand the history of it. If not now, then I'd probably never do it.

I started watching the show and realized clipping it was going to be a very long process. I may have...not started doing it til the second week of December (thanks in part to the OUAT exchange) which turned out not to be the best decision although in my defense I was still set on doing Breaking Bad until then. It was a lot of fun to watch the show and see the growth of the characters and start having feels for all of them (Eric is KING of Surprise!Crying FEELS with a side of Issues!Shawn). The show does have its problems (heteronormativity, gender role issues and the like) but it was still very cute. Topanga turned out to be much awesomer than I remembered although there was not nearly as much clips of Topanga/Books as I had hoped. And I had fun squeeing about Cory/Shawn's BOYFRIEND love. Even Topanga/Cory managed to win me over with the cuteness especially in those last clips in the short version of this vid. Which yeah, I was only able to finish about three seasons of clipping and vidding and 2 minutes of the song before the deadline especially with my pretend assignment taking a lot of my time. But I was hoping to replace the vid with the full version during the treat time...which did not happen thanks to tech problems and vid farr on another treat.

So then I promised myself I would make the full thing during the time between golive and reveals. It took me 5 days to start but I finally got around to finishing it. I already had S4 clipped so that meant watching the last episodes of S5 and then watching S6 and S7. Not too hard, I told myself...with work, relaxing on the weekend and slow vidding, it came down to the last few days. Basically I watched S6 and S7 in the last three days, taking the bus to work so I could watch more and taking clip notes to make clipping easier and fast. The vidding actually came along pretty easy although I struggled with my usual problem of trying to shove ALL the clips on the timeline and not giving them some room to breathe. Still working on that. But I did manage to watch all seven seasons of Boy Meets World and make a Topanga vid of it so I'm ultimately happy with this Festivids.

So here are both versions of Curiosity, GoLive and Reveals day. I hope it was a fun nostalgic trip through memory lane :) And P.S: if you want to be reminded about Boy Meets World without watching seven seasons, try the last two episodes as there's some clip show mixed in with a lot of great clips (ALSO FEELS). Also LYING TO YOUR VIDDING BUDDY IS TERRIBLE AND I HATE IT! It was haaaaard especially a big secret like that. Thanks to my roomies for putting up with me talking about it because they were the only people I told in the interest of super secret keeping.

Title: Curiosity
Music: "Curiosity" by Carly Rae Jepsen
Fandom: Boy Meets World
Focus: Topanga, Topanga/Cory
Spoilers: S1-S3 (golive version), S1-S7 (extended version)
Summary: Curiosity will never let me go.
Warnings: Physical triggers (e.g., epilepsy or migraine: strobe lights, bright lights, "stuttery" cuts between 2-3 stills).

Link: Curiosity (short golive version - 40 MB)
Link: Curiosity (extended reveals edition - 65 MB)
Streaming: Curiosity streaming

Long Version:

image Click to view

Short Version (password: festivid:

Made for elipie. All feedback (including concrit) is much appreciated. Enjoy!

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boy meets world, vidding, festivids, my vids

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