Title: Outlier
Characters/Pairings: Sarek/Amanda
Rating/Warnings: R, no warnings
Summary: There is no word in his language for a woman one makes love to who is not one's wife. Written for the
where_no_woman new year drabblefest.
Author's note:
igrockspock wrote
a beautiful response to prompt #21 for Sarek and Amanda, from Sarek's point of view. This isn't a remix
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Comments 46
Good job. You captured (even from amanda's POV) how groundbreaking this was for him and her. S/U have nothing on how hard Sa/Am had it.
I appreciate you reading and commenting, thank you!
Seriously though; beautiful. Beautiful. I would love to read more of what you've created here, should you wish to open up this world a bit more.
Vulcans! Why do they gotta be so hot?!
Holy gah, I KNOW RIGHT?
Thanks so much--I'm so glad you found this so enjoyable. I don't know what's happening to me but this spilled out over a day. Maybe the secret is not having porn in it, to activate my self-doubt and slow me down. Or maybe the drabblefest is just magic, IDK!
I will quote to you the line I fought hardest for, WHICH IS TOTALLY INDULGENT OF ME, HAH! Because in a story that mostly just appeared like a magical product of some voice in my brain, there was an image in my mind that was so hard to craft into a sentence, and when it finally came together it was like, *chorus of angelic voices*!
She sees him, suddenly, not in his dignity and privilege, but as a man, solitary, whose life is described by boundaries that bear no more relationship to the real shape of his being than a compass circle drawn on a map describes a country.
Here endeth the most self-indulgent comment response ever, lalala! :D
More of this? I hope. :D
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