Story Title: United Front
Chapter: 6 - Water
Pairings/Characters: Abarai Renji / Ishida Uryuu, Orihime, Ichigo
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the Heuco Mundo manga arc
Warnings: angst, yaoi, language, violence
Rating: R
Word Count: 3485
Description: Ishida wakes up after dying
2metaldog Read:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5(
When he opened his eyes... )
Comments 10
The confession ,even if it's only to himself, is awesome. Too bad Uryuu couldn't hear it...or did he?
As for Renji, well... he still has some time to get it right. ;)
Thank you so much for still following this fic after so much time. The end is in sight and there will be sex. I PROMISE.
Yeah torturing Ishida, it's like a sport. Maybe they should add it to the next Olymipics. :P
Thanks so much for sticking around this long. I really appreciate the support. And I swear the end is in sight (hell I hope so!)
*sharp intake of breath*
Love the use of scents in this piece.
Laughed my way manically through Ishida's interraction with Ichigo - he will have to sneak up on him and skewer him.
Oh and Renji - your self-deprecation and rough language will never get tiring.
The weird smell thing happened to me after I had surgery years ago, and I thought it might add something, especially given Ishida couldn't talk. So I'm happy this seemed to work.
And whew, I'm happy the boys didn't seem so far out there that they were no longer themselves. ;)
I'm thinking three more chapters and I can put this to bed finally. I know it's been incredibly drawn out, but I can't thank you enough for sticking with me through it. :)
The other is Renji thinking about his love and falling for a Quincy-- cos no one else was stupid enough to do so! But Renji had to be different, and now, he's going to get it right-- showing htat he;s anything but dumb!
But thank you so much for pointing out what you liked. It always tickles me endlessly to know what someone found most interesting or lovable.
I adore the snark and rivalry between Ichigo and Ishida and constantly worry that I'm not getting it quite right, so when you say that was a part you liked best, I just grinned from ear to ear. It's so important for me to get stuff right when I love it.
Oh yes, I've always contended Renji is far from dumb, some times he's just dense. There is a distinction there. *giggles*
Thank you so much for taking the time not only to read this once, but twice, and then leave such helpful comments. :D
Thanks for sharing
I hope to honor your comments and all the others by one day giving this story the ending it deserves.
Thank you.
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