1. Stolen from
In 2009,
annearchy resolves to...
Go writing three times a week.
Go to the austin texas every month.
Lose ten democrats by March.
Find a new csi.
Backup my angst regularly.
Get back in contact with some old milwaukee brewers.
2. Last few days have been mostly unremarkable. I finally got a 2009 calendar today (don't look at me like that), a Sandra Boynton "Mom's Calendar". I hope it helps keep our activities organized.
3. Doctor Who the 11th? Ummmm. Unsure. Hoping his hair is way different by the time he starts filming. *shrugs*
4. My keys have managed to run away again :( They are definitely inside the house, I just don't know where, which is hard to believe because there's a HUUUGE orange number 1 attached to the ring, to help me keep track of them o_O Mr. Annearchy gave me an 8-gig flash drive for Christmas, so I attached the flash drive (which I shall name Cookie) onto my keyring yesterday and copied a lot of the songs on my hard drive onto it, so I can then copy them onto my hard drive at work. Except - some time shortly after I did this, I put the keyring down...somewhere... and I have no idea where *headdesk* So...I guess if I were a praying person, novenas to St. Jude and St. Ant'ny would be in order. Luckily there are spare house and car keys I can use until I find mine, but still....Just my ADD at work again.
5. Last but definitely not least, I have to go back to work tomorrow. Oy. I've been reading my email remotely every couple of days through Outlook Web Access, and I know I have at least 120 messages to go through tomorrow. *headdesk* But overall I had a nice, pleasant, relaxed holiday away from work. Did nothing (almost literally) and went nowhere. The worst stress of the 13 days off was having to drive on icy roads today.