1. My
lost keys have returned. They were, not surprisingly, in the pocket of my bathrobe, where I must have put them Saturday *headdesk* I was sure I'd looked for them there, but (as Severus Snape would say), "Obviously not." Well, I've got them back, so yay. It was very cool to slap my new flash drive into the USB port on my work computer. W00t!
How your friends' friends can affect your mood Our emotional states are far more strongly influenced by those around us than we tend to think. What's more, they're also beholden to the moods of friends of friends, and even those of friends of friends of friends - people we may never even have met, but whose disposition can pass through our social network like a virus...
Nationwide search under way for adoptive parents of El Dorado, Kan., boy missing since 1999... I don't care if the kid ran away a million times; who in their right mind doesn't report a child missing for 10 freaking years?!?! Of course now, IF he's still alive, the child is a 21-year-old man. I suppose the Kansas bureau of investigation or the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children could 'age him up' electronically so there'd be an idea of what he might look like now.
4. I watched waaaay too many episodes of Forensic Files, 48 Hours Mysteries etc. over the holidays. MEEEP.
5. I had to go out mid-morning to buy some orthodontic wax and bring it to DD at school because her braces were really hurting her. I also bought a 6-oz package of cheapo fig bars so I could have "just two". I have managed to eat the entire box *facepalm* I find fig bars addicting too.
6. Ooooh new How I Met Your Mother tonight, yes? :D