Happy Friday, kids

Nov 09, 2007 12:35

I wrote this in my head on the way home from work, and I know I'm never going to actually write the full story, so you guys get the snippet, unbeta'd and messy:

(it's Gen, featuring Dean & Kathleen, about a year and a half after Common As A Winter Cold)

Did you start the apocalypse? )

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Comments 3

azephirin November 10 2007, 01:37:16 UTC
I feel sort of twisted for finding this as funny as I did-clearly I have watched too much Buffy.

"He kinda got eaten," Dean yells back as they run for the front door.

"Kinda?" Kath says as they get inside.

"You really wanna know?" Dean asks.



annalazarus November 10 2007, 01:46:10 UTC
No, it's supposed to be funny. I thought it up to entertain myself, and if I'd finished it, it definitely would have gone the absurdist route.


trinity_clare November 12 2007, 05:00:26 UTC
Dean figures maybe taking on the forces of chaos with a house full of mothers isn't such a bad deal after all.

Yes, and also? Yes.


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