Happy Friday, kids

Nov 09, 2007 12:35

I wrote this in my head on the way home from work, and I know I'm never going to actually write the full story, so you guys get the snippet, unbeta'd and messy:

(it's Gen, featuring Dean & Kathleen, about a year and a half after Common As A Winter Cold)

She's got the baby on her hip and a pistol in her free hand, pointed right between Dean's eyes.

Dean puts his hands up. "Hi honey, I'm home?" he tries.

Kathleen cocks the pistol. "Did you bring on the apocalypse?"

"Nooo," Dean says. "No, no. Probably not. Maybe. I have no idea, really. But I do that shooting me is most likely not going to stop it. Whatever it ends up being."

Kath sighs, lowers the gun, and shifts Grace higher up on her hip. "Jimmy said he'd send the women & children over here, seeing as how I have diapers and all."

Great. Dean's gonna have himself, Kath, and, like, 1000 screaming kids running around while he tries to fight off what may or may not be the assembled forces of chaos. This should be no problem.

Grace clings to her mother's leg as Kathleen pounds iron nails into a cross above her door, slices her fingertip open and draws protective runes on the windows in her own blood. Dean, meanwhile, leads the confused and frightened town ladies into the basement, learns Jimmy told them it was some sort of power plant accident. Dean sort of wonders why the locals don't question the fact that the Murphys have the only three safe houses, but he figures that deep down they know it was no accident that made the sun flicker and wink out an hour ago.

"So," he says conversationally to Kath as they're laying down salt lines around the foundation of the house. "Sam didn't exactly get through the translation before Pandora's Box or what-the-fuck-ever opened, but he got "darkness" and something that was either 'three days,' or." Dean pauses, makes sure he's got the corner covered, before sighing, "Eternity."

"Couldn't you ask the fucking archeologist who discovered the fucking thing?" Kathleen yells as the howling that sounds-like-wind-but-isn't picks up.

"He kinda got eaten," Dean yells back as they run for the front door.

"Kinda?" Kath says as they get inside.

"You really wanna know?" Dean asks.

Kathleen's mother is feeding Grace, making the spoon swoop and dive. Grace is clapping and laughing like it isn't maybe the end of the world, and Dean looks at her and feels hollowed out and filled with fire at the same time. He glances over at Kathleen, whose face has gone still and hard, and Dean figures maybe taking on the forces of chaos with a house full of mothers isn't such a bad deal after all.
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