Fully Retractable, Dean/OFC/OFC, NC-17

Oct 15, 2007 22:46

When I get stuck in boring meetings at work, I work out spectacularly pornographic scenarios in my head to keep from falling asleep. I've had a lot of boring meetings lately. This is the end result.

Beta by the lovely oxoniensis, who is always very patient with me.

Spoilers for AHBL2. Set just after that; featuring Happy Hedonist Dean. Title from a song by Soul Coughing, for no reason other than it's late and I just want to title this sucker and go to bed.

Fully Retractable
It wasn't like Dean had a list before. He figured he wasn't gonna get a fucking farewell tour, so why keep track? But now. Now he had a list.

Item One: get elbow-deep in pussy.

Okay, actually that was Items One through Five. But whatever.

Item Six was twins, but Dean had decided at the bar tonight that roommates worked too. Especially giggly, nice-smelling roommates in low-cut tops who asked him back to their room. Totally an acceptable substitute for twins.

Sam had turned up his nose and said, "Do you even remember their names?"

Stupid Sam. Of course Dean remembered their names. Rachel and Amanda. Granted, right now he wasn't entirely sure whether it was Amanda on his lap and Rachel behind him or vice versa, but he figured it a was forgivable lapse, what with all the hot sexin' and everything.

Amanda. It was Amanda on his lap, riding two of his fingers as she bit her lip and held onto Dean's shoulders for dear life. Rachel was licking kisses along his hairline, her arms wrapped around his waist, warm breasts pressed to his back.

Dean turned his head and met Rachel's mouth, sucking and biting at her lips, chasing her lingering taste of raspberry lipgloss and bitter beer.

"Lie down," Amanda said in his ear, rolling forward so that her breasts brushed tantalizingly against his chest, but Dean had other ideas, and he figured since he was the only person on the bed who had a year to live, he got to be the pushy one. He put his hands on her hips and tipped her back onto the mattress.

He twisted around to face Rachel and said, "Just be patient, okay?" She looked startled, like this wasn't part of the plan, and Dean grinned at her. "Oh, honey, I want you too," he murmured, curving his hands around her breasts, rolling his fingertips over her nipples. "I just want to give you both lots of attention, okay?" He licked at her mouth until she gave a small moan and gasped, "Yeah, okay."

He turned back to Amanda, who was panting lightly, her hand working between her spread legs. "Hey," Dean said with a laugh, taking her wrist in his hand. "Hang on. I'll do that for you."

He shifted down, laying kisses across her stomach as he moved. He felt Rachel move beside him, and when he looked up, she was lying next to Amanda, kissing her and smoothing her hands over Amanda's breasts. And that was...yeah. Always a bonus. He took a moment to rub his dick against the bedspread at the sight of Rachel's tongue pressing in and out of Amanda's mouth, then remembered he was a man on a mission and refocused on Amanda's cunt, slick and swollen below his mouth.

He tilted his head, breathed out hotly against her, then licked, light and quick, all over her soft flesh. She moaned above him, hooked a leg over his shoulder, and he guessed he was on the right track. He circled her clit with the tip of his tongue, barely touching, mouthed at her softly until she was twisting her hips and grabbing his hair.

She tasted like cheap soap and sour cherries, made his mouth water as he licked her. She hadn't shaved in a few days, and the hair on her legs caught at the stubble on Dean's cheek. It was stupidly, improbably hot, and Dean pulled his face up quick, burned her leg then mouthed the pain away as she whimpered.

He grabbed the underside of her thighs, soap-soft and overheated, pulled her open even further and turned his face up, stroking her pussy with the flat of his tongue. She arched up and all he could smell was her: dark musk and salt. He focused in, licking her fast and hard, sucking lightly. When he slid three fingers into her, quick and easy, she was gone, crying brokenly as her legs shook against his shoulders.

Dean kissed her thighs all over, because he knew that anything worth doing was worth doing well, then looked up to see Amanda nuzzling into Rachel's neck as Rachel watched him with intent.

"My turn?" Rachel asked.

"Oh yes," Dean replied, motioning her to him with a crooked finger.

She moved down the bed, hitching her legs open as she came. "I like it rough," she said. "With lots of," but Dean missed the last bit because he'd already spread her cunt open and shoved his tongue into her. He used his hands more this time, thumb rubbing down hard on her clit, fucking up into her with two fingers. He licked in alongside his fingers, stroked and sucked her until she screamed, came wet and sweet against his tongue.

Dean groaned, licked her until she panted, "Stop."

He closed his eyes, felt the girls' hands on him, turning and pushing him down. He sighed, relaxed, and let them kiss, lick, suck, and tease the hell out of him. Everywhere their lips and fingers touched, he felt a crackling heat that moved along his skin, sank in and warmed him for the first time in weeks.

The girls tongued his nipples in tandem, and he sex-stupidly wondered if they might agree to change their trip itinerary so they could do this to him every night. Eventually he felt gentle fingertips against his cheek and opened his eyes. Amanda was looking at him speculatively. "No offense, sweetheart, but guys are usually begging for it by now. You okay?"

Wasn't that the million dollar question. "Right now? Yeah, great," he whispered. And, really, he was great. If he could stay in this bed for the next 350 days or so with someone bringing him bacon double cheeseburgers for every meal, he'd continue to be great. Maybe he could get a fast food place to sponsor him or something.

Amanda was still staring at him, and he realized he needed to say something else. "I just," he fumbled for a lie, "I kind of want to try something." He'd used that line for the dozen or so other times he'd done it too, but Dean knew enough about girls always ask nicely.

She raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering, but Dean just pushed his face between her breasts, licked a hot line up and down her sternum. He reached between her legs, wet his fingers on her cunt and raised his hand to her tits, rubbing over, around, between, until her mouth went slack with pleasure.

"Oh," she gasped. "Yeah, okay. Fuck."

She pressed her breasts together, splayed her fingers so that her nipples pushed up between them, red and obscene. Dean pushed his cock into the crease she'd created, felt her tits hold him, soft and yielding. He groaned and snapped his hips watching his cockhead rub against her collarbone with each hard thrust.

She moaned and writhed beneath him, which Dean thought was hot, but a little over the top, until he realized Rachel was behind him and twisted around to see her intently licking Amanda's pussy.

"Goddamn," he groaned. He looked down at Amanda, who had her eyes closed and seemed to have forgotten he was there. "You keep, uh, yeah. I'm gonna." Dean stopped talking and grabbed a condom off the night table.

He stood on shaky legs, shuffled over behind Rachel and bit the edge of her shoulder blade to let her know he was there. She spread her legs and pushed her ass up, and Dean seriously fell a little in love with her as he thrust into her, grabbing her hips and riding her hard.

Her shrieks muffled against Amanda's cunt spurred him on, made him push at her lower back until he was hitting someplace inside her that had her begging him not to stop. He held back, breathed deep, until she went silent, breath caught in her throat and cunt clenching around him. Then he came with a shout, bent over to catch himself on the bed's edge as his legs gave out.

There was more moaning, and more bed shaking, but Dean was too busy trying to remember how to lift his head off the bedspread to figure out what it was all about. He was on the mattress from his hips up, legs and feet splayed out over the edge. He reached down, pulled off and tied the condom, cheek still firmly planted on the garish polyester spread.

The bed shook again, but the girls weren't moaning (and thank god for that, because if they'd been going at it again, Dean would have had to make sure they weren't succubi.). They were laughing.

One of them flopped over Dean's back and said, "Are you okay? Did we break you?"

"No," Dean replied. He wiggled his butt to get her off of him. "Believe me, it'd take the both of you a few more nights before that happened."

"Oh yeah?" Amanda said looking at Dean upside down. "We're gonna be at the Grand Canyon next week. You and your brother want to meet us there?"

Hmm, Dean thought. Item Seven.
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