Title: In Case of Flash Flood Fandom: The Office (US) Pairing: Pam/Toby Rating: PG Length: 750 words Summary: Pam updates the emergency contacts. AN: Today is a good day for weird pairings.
Oh, man, I can't even express how much I enjoyed this. I can see it happening, in that world that isn't TV world, yknow? And it hurts and it's bleak but it makes so much sense to me. I love Toby. Excellent job at a little scene that works so well!
There's something about Toby that makes you want to talk to him - Pam doesn't know whether that's the reason he went into HR, or the end result of being in HR for so long, or just the way he looks at you, like he's heard everything and nothing will surprise him. Like you can't make him any sadder than he already is.
Oh. My. GOD. This is perfect. More Toby! moireach is on my flist, promoting more pairings in The Office fandom and this is exactly the kind of thing I was craving. Jim and Pam are great, but...Toby!
Like you can't make him any sadder than he already is. Brilliant. :D
Comments 74
OMG, so many things I love about this, but first I have to go massage my heart back to life. *sniffle*
And with that, I deem this awesome. Well done.
Like you can't make him any sadder than he already is.
Brilliant. :D
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