Title: In Case of Flash Flood Fandom: The Office (US) Pairing: Pam/Toby Rating: PG Length: 750 words Summary: Pam updates the emergency contacts. AN: Today is a good day for weird pairings.
Toby looks at her, then takes a sip of beer and puts the glass down carefully, on the very center of his coaster. His hand rests loosely on the top of the bar, pale against the dark wood.
This particular bit just struck me as quintessentially Toby--the precision and care that goes into even the slightest movement, as well as what strikes me as an effort at relaxation afterward. Toby is very measured, very considerate, and I always worry that one day, he'll go home and arrange his affairs tidily, and put a very considered, measured bullet into his brain.
What a lovely, bleak little story, but very true to life, much more so that the happy ending we're probably going to get on the Jim/Pam front.
I have never considered Pam/Toby before, but this really works. And this:
There's something about Toby that makes you want to talk to him - Pam doesn't know whether that's the reason he went into HR, or the end result of being in HR for so long, or just the way he looks at you, like he's heard everything and nothing will surprise him. Like you can't make him any sadder than he already is.
Comments 74
This particular bit just struck me as quintessentially Toby--the precision and care that goes into even the slightest movement, as well as what strikes me as an effort at relaxation afterward. Toby is very measured, very considerate, and I always worry that one day, he'll go home and arrange his affairs tidily, and put a very considered, measured bullet into his brain.
What a lovely, bleak little story, but very true to life, much more so that the happy ending we're probably going to get on the Jim/Pam front.
I always worry that one day, he'll go home and arrange his affairs tidily, and put a very considered, measured bullet into his brain.
AUGH. I worry about this SO MUCH.
There's something about Toby that makes you want to talk to him - Pam doesn't know whether that's the reason he went into HR, or the end result of being in HR for so long, or just the way he looks at you, like he's heard everything and nothing will surprise him. Like you can't make him any sadder than he already is.
Is perfect and sad and true. Great work.
I need more office icons.
I canonically adore Toby, so much.
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