Ember to Ember (Sequel to Volunteers)

Oct 01, 2007 00:29

OK, so here's the beginning of a sequel to Volunteers (the fic written for hds_beltane). Any suggestions will be received with gratitude. Particularly suggestions that have to do with cutting stuff out :)

Thanks millions to scrtkpr, for wonderful beta. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Chapter 2 will be heading in your direction soon, I hope.

Title: Ember to Ember
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volunteers, ember to ember, fic

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Comments 44

scrtkpr October 1 2007, 20:43:32 UTC
Yay to more soon! :D

I'm sorry I wasn't more help with finding stuff to cut. I was working on that very thing with my own fic yesterday and was thinking of you as I struggled. I was thinking about how if I showed it to someone else, they'd probably say, "I love that! Snarky banter, can't have enough of that!" But I didn't feel like it was adding to the story or taking it the direction I wanted it to go. Or it was distracting from the most important points. Or something.

Anyway, I was thinking, maybe you could e-mail me an outline of sorts, and explain your thoughts on where you want this story to go, what you want to focus on? Then I might be able to, at times, actually say something like, "This is brilliant and I love it, but it is bloating your story, so save it for the DVD remix." ;)


annafugazzi October 1 2007, 22:49:05 UTC
I'm sorry I wasn't more help with finding stuff to cut.
Oh, no actually you were very helpful! I seriously couldn't take anything out, but you pointed out some repetitions and irrelevancies and stuff that really didn't add much. Thanks!

I was working on that very thing with my own fic yesterday and was thinking of you as I struggled. I was thinking about how if I showed it to someone else, they'd probably say, "I love that! Snarky banter, can't have enough of that!" But I didn't feel like it was adding to the story or taking it the direction I wanted it to go. Or it was distracting from the most important points. Or something.
Yeah, it's tough. Especially when you don't know where the other person is going with something, and don't know what little thing seems irrelevant and easily dropped but may actually be an important plot point.

I tend to just make suggestions anyway and figure if it's important, the author will just ignore me and keep it in :)

Anyway, I was thinking, maybe you could e-mail me an outline of sorts, and explain ( ... )


scrtkpr October 1 2007, 23:45:32 UTC
Yay! My head is entirely in this story I'm writing now, but I'm really really hoping I can finish it before the weekend, and as soon as I do, I'll get to Ch. 2. (Assuming you've sent it to me by then, of course.) And I'll send you my story. We can swap. ;)


annafugazzi October 2 2007, 03:45:46 UTC
Yay! I'm all curious about your new story, so eeeeEE for early completion so I can read it!


frayach_nicuill October 2 2007, 02:22:57 UTC
Yay! More in the Volunteers verse! I'm hooked :)


annafugazzi October 2 2007, 04:15:36 UTC
Yay! I kinda thought people would've forgotten about it by now, so the response has been very very nice :)


coffeejunkii October 2 2007, 02:28:41 UTC
ahhh, why does it end there? alskjdflkjsdf. *wants more* i'm enjoying this just as much as i enjoyed volunteers. which is to day, immensely :D. i love this universe. i love the children [and their frustrating frequent appearances]. i love that harry and draco can talk to each other.

did you really mean to say part 1 of 12? or was that a typo for 1 of 2?


annafugazzi October 5 2007, 01:00:44 UTC
ahhh, why does it end there? alskjdflkjsdf. *wants more*
Doh, sorry :(

i'm enjoying this just as much as i enjoyed volunteers. which is to day, immensely :D.

did you really mean to say part 1 of 12? or was that a typo for 1 of 2?
Nope, it's not a typo :) They're all pretty much the same size (short, for me) and about half of them (including the last chapter) are partly/mostly written.

... aaaand RL is being a bit of a bitch, so unfortunately their half-written-ness doesn't guarantee anything re. when they'll be postable. ::sigh::


coffeejunkii October 5 2007, 01:41:50 UTC
oooh, 12 parts!! i hadn't dared to hope for that! that's so wonderful. i hope rl will be less busy and allow you to write more soon :)


lisa3353 October 2 2007, 23:51:44 UTC
I am not sure I can tell you how excited I am that you are continuing this story. I checked for the final parts every day when you orginally posted for hds beltane and I will wait as long as it takes for it to be completed. I love this Harry and Draco. If I remember correctly their looks were also a bit different. Harry had long hair and Draco had short hair and glasses. I do love a long haired Draco, but we see quite a bit of that in fic and it's a nice change. Anyway, thanks for continuing. I will, as always, check daily for updates, but will wait patiently. Really.


annafugazzi October 5 2007, 03:49:24 UTC
I am not sure I can tell you how excited I am that you are continuing this story. I checked for the final parts every day when you orginally posted for hds beltane and I will wait as long as it takes for it to be completed.
Oh, neat! That's so nice to hear! (Um, I mean, neat to read. Whatever.)

If I remember correctly their looks were also a bit different. Harry had long hair and Draco had short hair and glasses.
Yeah, Harry's hair also had a bit of premature grey in there.

I do love a long haired Draco, but we see quite a bit of that in fic and it's a nice change.
I actually prefer him with long hair. Short hair just seemed to fit him better in this fic.

Anyway, thanks for continuing. I will, as always, check daily for updates, but will wait patiently. Really.

I'm really hoping to update twice a month until I've got all twelve chapters, but we'll see if that's feasible in about a week or so ;)


dumbys_baby October 5 2007, 06:28:48 UTC
I did a wee happy dance when you first posted this fic, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to read it.

OMFG, I'm so glad you're continuing with this! Your Harry and Draco are so grown up and dad-like and gah, it's really cool. (I'm still waiting for a really classic 'dad joke' though *grin*). Your characterisations of Ben and Alec are great, but I think I mentioned that before.

Lines I loved:
* "Reality tasted like anticipation and pleasure and throwing caution to the wind, reaching for something he wanted, as he hadn't allowed himself to do for so long..." - So romantic!
* "Draco blinked, registering that Ben's permachatter... - Hehe, permachatter, hehehe.
* ""Alec lost his Snitch!" Ben cried as the boys raced into the kitchen, and Draco knew exactly how Alec felt." LOL.
* "Talk first, grope later." I know they would have preferred it the other way around.
* "He waited patiently, thinking of icicles and cabbage soup and Dolores Umbridge to get rid of the uncomfortable tightness in his pants..." *giggle ( ... )


annafugazzi October 11 2007, 17:38:41 UTC
I did a wee happy dance when you first posted this fic, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to read it.
LOL - I did a wee happy dance when you posted this comment, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to answer it :D :D :D

* "Draco blinked, registering that Ben's permachatter... - Hehe, permachatter, hehehe.
That's what my partner and I call our older kid's verbal output, actually ;)

* "Talk first, grope later." I know they would have preferred it the other way around.
No doubt >:)

* "...Ron made some comment about me fancying Poffle, I mentioned his crush on Viktor Krum, things got a bit tense, then I said something like, 'So what if I do fancy him?' and Ginny said, 'Hermione, you owe me a Galleon.'"" You killed me with this!
Let's see if I can track this one down... it started out as a comment reply to somebody who asked how Harry came out to the Weasleys...


(she): ...suppose I'd be curious about how that all came out into the open, that Harry was interested in guys too ( ... )


dumbys_baby October 11 2007, 23:58:20 UTC
Hehehe, I couldn't stop a snigger at Ron admiring Krum for his skills ... as a Seeker. My mind went to so many dirty places! *Note to self: time to step your mind up into the gutter now DB*

I'm looking forward to the next installment and am very happy you shared the tiny DVD extra!


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