Ember to Ember (Sequel to Volunteers)

Oct 01, 2007 00:29

OK, so here's the beginning of a sequel to Volunteers (the fic written for hds_beltane). Any suggestions will be received with gratitude. Particularly suggestions that have to do with cutting stuff out :)

Thanks millions to scrtkpr, for wonderful beta. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Chapter 2 will be heading in your direction soon, I hope.

Title: Ember to Ember
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volunteers, ember to ember, fic

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dumbys_baby October 5 2007, 06:28:48 UTC
I did a wee happy dance when you first posted this fic, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to read it.

OMFG, I'm so glad you're continuing with this! Your Harry and Draco are so grown up and dad-like and gah, it's really cool. (I'm still waiting for a really classic 'dad joke' though *grin*). Your characterisations of Ben and Alec are great, but I think I mentioned that before.

Lines I loved:
* "Reality tasted like anticipation and pleasure and throwing caution to the wind, reaching for something he wanted, as he hadn't allowed himself to do for so long..." - So romantic!
* "Draco blinked, registering that Ben's permachatter... - Hehe, permachatter, hehehe.
* ""Alec lost his Snitch!" Ben cried as the boys raced into the kitchen, and Draco knew exactly how Alec felt." LOL.
* "Talk first, grope later." I know they would have preferred it the other way around.
* "He waited patiently, thinking of icicles and cabbage soup and Dolores Umbridge to get rid of the uncomfortable tightness in his pants..." *giggle snort*
* "...Ron made some comment about me fancying Poffle, I mentioned his crush on Viktor Krum, things got a bit tense, then I said something like, 'So what if I do fancy him?' and Ginny said, 'Hermione, you owe me a Galleon.'"" You killed me with this!
* "Harry smiled slightly. "Yeah, Alec's done some things like that. It's nice, though. I'm so glad he can do all of that without being punished for it."" My heart went all melty. Poor Harry.
* "...I have a talent for spotting the shockingly obvious."" *snort*


annafugazzi October 11 2007, 17:38:41 UTC
I did a wee happy dance when you first posted this fic, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to read it.
LOL - I did a wee happy dance when you posted this comment, but life has been kicking my behind and I've only just now got to answer it :D :D :D

* "Draco blinked, registering that Ben's permachatter... - Hehe, permachatter, hehehe.
That's what my partner and I call our older kid's verbal output, actually ;)

* "Talk first, grope later." I know they would have preferred it the other way around.
No doubt >:)

* "...Ron made some comment about me fancying Poffle, I mentioned his crush on Viktor Krum, things got a bit tense, then I said something like, 'So what if I do fancy him?' and Ginny said, 'Hermione, you owe me a Galleon.'"" You killed me with this!
Let's see if I can track this one down... it started out as a comment reply to somebody who asked how Harry came out to the Weasleys...


(she): ...suppose I'd be curious about how that all came out into the open, that Harry was interested in guys too.
(me): Hm... yeah, good point. And no, I hadn't thought to put anything in there, though I don't suppose it would be all that difficult. I figured it probably went something along the lines of

Ginny: Mmm, isn't that Chaser dreamy?
Harry: Mm, yeah...
Ginny, Ron & Hermione: ::eyebrows raised::
Harry: Erm. I mean, yeah, he's a really good Chaser. Very. Fast.
Ron: You know, I've been wondering about how straight you are ever since you spent half of fourth year mooning over Cedric.
Hermione: And sixth year obsessing over Malfoy.
Harry: Ah. Erm. Yeah. No. Wait, I was mooning over Cho, and Malfoy was up to no good. And excuse me, who had a little tiny Viktor Krum sleeping in his bed for months?
Ron: I just admired his skills! As a Seeker!
Ginny: You owe me five Galleons, Hermione.


dumbys_baby October 11 2007, 23:58:20 UTC
Hehehe, I couldn't stop a snigger at Ron admiring Krum for his skills ... as a Seeker. My mind went to so many dirty places! *Note to self: time to step your mind up into the gutter now DB*

I'm looking forward to the next installment and am very happy you shared the tiny DVD extra!


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