FIC: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 4

Sep 12, 2009 22:13

Title: For Worse or For Better, Chapter 4
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,808 this chapter; 20,636 total (GAH)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for reel_merlin Take 2 prompt: The Proposal. Huge thanks to krazykipper for the britpicking, and as always to marzilla for the beta, and for somehow always convincing me that I want to write, even when I ( Read more... )

genre: romance, rating: pg-13, fan fiction, for worse or for better, merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur

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Comments 8

babydracky September 13 2009, 22:48:03 UTC
I love that Arthur really feels part of Merlin's family when he knows/thinks he doesn't deserve it.


mithrel September 14 2009, 18:37:22 UTC
OK, they really need to talk about this, since both of them are obviously thinking the same thing! *exasperated headshake*


mmang0 September 21 2009, 13:32:10 UTC
cutest chapter so far!
i really wanna know what's going on with Lancelot

oh btw, omnipresent!sophia is hilarious


anna_zee September 23 2009, 13:51:08 UTC
Thanks =D


brunettepet November 18 2010, 23:57:09 UTC
I like that Arthur is finally thinking of somebody other than himself. This false relationship is effecting Merlin's entire family.

Sophia is everywhere! I loved Merlin outing Arthur at the general store. He's a scamp!


bananahater336 July 5 2011, 23:41:33 UTC
The thought filled him with such want that it rendered him temporarily breathless. Ohhh. <333 That's so sweet.

Then, to Arthur’s surprise, he sagged back against Arthur, drawing one of his arms around his shoulder. This is the cutest thing.

Merlin was laughing at something the other man said, and they were sharing Merlin’s tea between them. Aw, Merlin, why you gotta be like that?

“New York is lovely around the holidays,” he said absently. “Of course, we could always come see you as well.” I love how he didn't even have to think about this; it just sort of came out.


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