attempt at a post

Feb 19, 2012 16:55

After literally years, I changed my layout! I'm not good with change. :D It's pretty basic but I like it.

Also, I did a little flist-cut - for the first time ever. Mainly long-term inactive journals or people who I haven't been in any kind of contact with for aaaages. Still, it's always possible to make a mistake so if I did please let me know.

Went ( Read more... )

supernatural, movie, lj stuff, random

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Comments 14

sherrilina February 19 2012, 16:04:26 UTC
I liked TTSS alright too, though it was very confusing and hard-to-follow at times...I also didn't really think Gary Oldman did that much acting-wise, even though I love him? :s Ah has ALL the British men, which is cool...:p

And ooh watch the SPN epp! I mean, it's not flawless, but certain parts are sooo much fun...;)


anna_sg1 February 19 2012, 16:14:03 UTC
The weird jumps concerning Mark Strong's character were the only confusing thing form me to be honest. At one point I was wondering - so, is he dead or alive... is this past, present or future and HOW? XD

But yeah, definitely has ALL the British men and I loved Benedict Cumberbatch's character.

Various subtle hints at relationships (friends or romantic) were also great and nicely done. and some parts were brutal.

I'll probably watch it tomorrow, with new Once Upon A Time. :D


virkatjol February 19 2012, 16:47:35 UTC
It looks like the layout is cutting off the text, oh it's my browser, I only have a 13in screen and it cuts off the post words on the page.

Other than that i like the simplicity.


anna_sg1 February 20 2012, 10:46:18 UTC
Aw, sorry hon'. It looks great on my laptop but I still haven't check on the computer, might be iffy for me as well.


kilodalton February 19 2012, 17:13:24 UTC
I like the new look!


anna_sg1 February 20 2012, 10:46:54 UTC
Thanks. It was the colors that did it for me. :D


giallarhorn February 19 2012, 17:19:10 UTC
I like the new layout :D Though, it's really different than your last one, to say the least, but it's good.


anna_sg1 February 20 2012, 10:47:44 UTC
That was the point, I wanted something completely different. :))


spiletta42 February 19 2012, 17:57:18 UTC
Oh, you have to watch Supernatural right now, because you won't believe what Dean said to that guy, it was like a whole new insight into his character, and that thing that happened, and can you believe who's dead? And were you expecting that bombshell revelation at the end? I know I wasn't -- I was sure she was dead forever. Clever twist in the B plot, too, can you believe the butler did it? And I'm completely lying of course because I've never seen an episode in my life.


anna_sg1 February 20 2012, 10:48:52 UTC
LOLOLOL I love you. :D


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