attempt at a post

Feb 19, 2012 16:55

After literally years, I changed my layout! I'm not good with change. :D It's pretty basic but I like it.

Also, I did a little flist-cut - for the first time ever. Mainly long-term inactive journals or people who I haven't been in any kind of contact with for aaaages. Still, it's always possible to make a mistake so if I did please let me know.

Went to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy yesterday. I... liked it? IDK. It's pretty sloooow paced and weirdly edited but I loved the last 20-30 minutes and especially the end so it was worth it. :D

Still didn't get a chance to see new Supernatural so I'm avoiding anything related to it like the plague.

supernatural, movie, lj stuff, random

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