let's speculate

Mar 09, 2012 19:46

I swear, these polls hate me! D:

One of these days I'll post an actual update I swear I'm actually working on it, I have big news! :D

In the mean time, for those voting in this year's Fandom March Madness (and while the office pool lasts) - a prediction poll:

Personally I'm overjoyed at the number of ladies represented here and OMG these prelims were so different from last years - especially certain fandoms... *eyes DW*!

I want Donna to go as far as possible and I think it will come down to Leslie v Hermione on one side and Donna v. Mary Crawely.... but that could be just my wishful thinking. XD

Anyway I put ticky boxes for who you want to win because I would be more than happy for a few of these choices to take the grand prize.


polls are shiny, fandom

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