So I dutifully set up an OpenID a couple weeks ago, being advised this would be in my best interest. Yet despite assurances that all confirmed OpenID'ers would get an invite code once Closed Beta went Open, and that all invites had indeed been sent out last night, I have not received one. I therefore asked for a code from a generous LJ'er who tried
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Oh, yeah, did all that, and checked it daily to make sure I was still signed in and that my settings were still correct.
I have a typed code sitting in my email box now since apparently my server is not cooperating (bad server!). So I am officially one step closer. ;)
*smooch* I think that's going to work! :)
Thanks for the offer! I did get a note from someone on the DW staff saying they were trying to resolve issues with my email server, and gave me a hard-copy code. That was only a couple hours after I sent a inquiry about it, so I was impressed with their response time, for sure.
Oh, you!
It's always something with me, isn't it? Karma is REALLY not happy with me right now. I just wish I knew what I did to piss her off so badly. ;)
Karma is REALLY not happy with me right now.
No. No it is not. Don't go out in lightning storms, m'kay?
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