The Invisible Druid Stinks (or not)

Apr 10, 2012 12:32

Originally published at invisible druid. You can comment here or there.

Sometimes, I smell.

You do, too. it's okay, we can admit it. Everyone smells a little ripe from time to time whether it's because you got too sweaty in bed overnight or because you did an hour long workout and now you're ruminating in funk. It happens. One might say that it' ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

wanderingbastet April 10 2012, 23:28:57 UTC
There's a whole movement of no-shampoo-ers out there. I tried it for a while a few years ago, but it didn't work out very well for me - my hair tends towards oily and brittle (which is an odd combination) and is very fine, so every little bit of oil makes it look like I haven't showered in weeks. Of course, now that I'm working from home rather than going into an office every day, I'm tempted to try it again and see if it regulates itself given a bit longer than the week or so I gave it last time...


anivair April 11 2012, 13:46:39 UTC
If the outright no-soap angle doesn't work for you (and TBH, the just water ting is pretty easy for me, though it took some getting used to) you might try baking soda as a wash and vinegar as a conditioner. I did that for a while, too, and it was nice.


wanderingbastet April 11 2012, 13:49:09 UTC
Yeah, that's what I was using - the baking soda and vinegar thing (with a bit of tea tree oil thrown in). I'll have to try it again and give it a bit longer next time. :)


mithikall April 11 2012, 15:26:20 UTC
I know from experience, you didn't wait long enough. It can take months to fully adjust, depending on how strict you get with it.
Also, try other washes. Baking soda can be very drying, vinegar is supposed to restore the pH.....but I've washed with tea, citrus, honey, beer, tisanes, applesauce...not brave enough for egg yet. Hell, on a visit to San Diego, I used nothing but a quick rinse, as the salt water in the air took care of everything else for me. There are plenty of people who use only water, ever. And, counterintuitive as it may seem, you may need to oil your hair to get it balanced. Jojoba has been best for me, but it literally depends on what you like/what your body likes.
There's a whole no-poo group on LJ that's pretty good, and the 'movement' has gotten bigger in recent years, so there's plenty of research.


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anivair April 11 2012, 13:47:03 UTC
That is so odd. You think you have some sort of allergic reaction? i can't imagine what it could be to, but I suppose it's possible.


mithikall April 11 2012, 15:27:47 UTC
Could be the baking soda. It's a harsh chemical, after all. I second Dr. Bronner's, love the bar soaps...tried them on my hair, with moderate success.


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