I'm alive!

Oct 13, 2011 16:19

It's been a ridiculously long time since I last updated, hasn't it? I honestly didn't mean to abandon my livejournal, these past few months have just been pretty rough I guess, and it's easier for me to keep up with plurk and tumblrWhile I don't know how much detail I want to go into, but I guess the bulk of it started in August? I ended up getting ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

tokugawa October 13 2011, 23:48:37 UTC
Family arguments are never a good thing, especially in regards of Gay Marriage and sexuality. Just wish that everyone is open-minded and accepting. :(

I'm going to wish you the best of luck with jobs, the nomination and in hopes that things will go very well for you. Please hang in there. ♥ *clings*


anionna October 13 2011, 23:54:34 UTC
Yeah, I'm no stranger to family arguments, but these hurt really deep down you know? I'm still kind of shell shocked about the fact that they think that way.

But thank you! I will be doing my very best ♥


emmereeves May 31 2020, 01:31:05 UTC
Belated Good Luck :)

I hope you are well.


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