Ain't no easy way out

Feb 26, 2009 16:05

Dear princesaskater,
finally I did it!I hope it's good enough for you!;D
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Comments 48

bitterbird February 26 2009, 20:29:48 UTC
awww boys break my heart so much, they love each other so damn much
I dont think Dean has a low opinion if himself, he is just used to putting everyone else first and Im not sure he knows any other way to be
his mother died when he ws 4 and he pretty much half raised Sam, so he couldnt put himself first, I think its hard for him to do anything else but protect Sam

amazing wallpaper <3


animotus February 26 2009, 20:47:28 UTC
he is just used to putting everyone else first
Exactly!I want to hug him so much!!!!!!!♥


clubinthesky February 26 2009, 20:56:13 UTC
Family and Sacrifice is exactly it ♥, and it breaks my heart to see Dean having such a low opinion on himself, but I did love the answer he gave Bobby. OH BOYS <3


animotus February 26 2009, 21:15:47 UTC
Thinking about how much big Dean's haert is and how low is his opinion of himself kills me!But he wouldn't be Dean if he was different!♥


clubinthesky February 26 2009, 21:17:14 UTC
But he wouldn't be Dean if he was different!
I agree, he's avery loyal man, i love that about him♥


animotus February 26 2009, 21:19:28 UTC
Winchesters are loyal badass!♥


nodazzle February 26 2009, 22:09:35 UTC
Oh that scene with Bobby and Dean... gah! It breaks my heart! Jensen is so incredible at emoting and he says SO much in that scene beyond "He's my brother!"

I've been re-watching old episodes with my husband as he's just starting to watch SPN... I haven't re-watched many of season 1's episodes for whatever reason - I think mostly because they didn't really find their feet until late in the season when the mythology really started to take off. I'm reminded of what their lives USED to be like before their dad died and really just how much of himself Dean sacrificed to live the life his father wanted. His entire childhood was stolen from him while Sam's was protected for a longer period of time - by both Dean and John. I think that very fact alone is why Dean feels he isn't very worthy.

Plus, as he says in that same episode... he's got one job - to protect Sam - and he couldn't do it. :(

God it's heartbreaking!! It's why I love Dean so much.


animotus February 27 2009, 08:15:29 UTC
That scene is one of my fav ever of Dean,Jensen is just brilliant!He said so many things with his eyes only!♥

Exactly!When Mary died Dean was little but not that much,or better...he lived a normal life for 4 years,he knew how it felt to be a normal happy kid,Sammy never had the chance and this is tragic,but it was also "good" for him,he never suffered like his brother who always protected him,maybe Dean and John lied to him but it was for a good purpose,to let him be a kid,to protect his innocence!
Dean never had the chance to choose a different life,he followed his father and took care of Sam and even if deep inside him there was a different dream I'm sure the love for John and Sam was big enough to think that it could wait!Ohhhh Dean,never change!♥


jude_judith82 February 26 2009, 23:05:23 UTC
Great wall. About Dean well I think Dean honestly has lost his sense of self. He has put everyone before himself which is a great attribute but he's done it to the point where I think he thinks everyone is more important to him and by proxy it makes him less important. Ay I don't know I just want to give him a hug and tell him he's wonderful. He needs it.


animotus February 27 2009, 08:05:00 UTC
I really sympathize with him 'cause I'm a big sister too and I want everyone to be ok,he has a BIG HEART,no matter how badass he is!♥


smilla02 February 27 2009, 08:46:39 UTC
What a beautiful wall, honey.
Re: Dean. The point is, and maybe Dean gives my opinion points with his answer to Bobby in that scene, that I don't think Dean doesn't have a sense of self worth. I am always amazed that fandom seems to insist on this aspect of Dean as Dean's fundamental characteristic because I see it, but only one of the many facets of Dean.
I was talking about this with aesc, < a href=>here, and there this post by missyjack that expose very well why I think that Dean, even with his so many issues and despite them, has a strong sense of self (if you want to read it: here), but his handholds on it have been battered by the events of the last three years (plus 40 of Hell time).

eta: don't know why I can't fix that tag. *kicks html*.


animotus February 27 2009, 10:00:04 UTC
Thanks bb!♥

Ohhhh benissimo!!!Sono felice quando "discutere" mi fa capovolgere le idee e i dubbi!Perchè in realtà per tanto tempo ho vissuto il fandom solo attraverso la grafica,poi le fanfictions e solo da pochi mesi mi confronto con riflessioni serie!Come sai ho divorato lo show in pochissimo tempo e a volte si perde qualcosa per strada!Io mi sento molto vicina a Dean per tutti i motivi che già sai e anche perchè vedo tante cose di me nei suoi comportamenti!La tua discussione con aesc mi è piaciuta,Dean in Dream a litle dream of me in effetti urlava di non meritare l'inferno,urlava contro il padre....e concordo sul fatto che abbia bisogno di qualcuno che si sacrifichi per lui!Conosce i suoi limiti ma conosce anche la sua forza (intesa come cuore,anima e cervello)....è l'amore per suo fratello e suo padre che "nascondono" la sua essenza,ma è una sua scelta e magari proprio questo annulla il concetto di poca stima,è esattamenet il contrario ( ... )


smilla02 February 27 2009, 10:18:47 UTC
Oh, dài non è che tu abbia bisogno di essere presa per mano! Anche a me piace discutere e questo è probabilmente il punto per il quale sento una forte opinione contraria e ho bisogno di puntare i piedi ed esprimerla. :D

Come dici tu, sta tutto nelle scelte. Io vedo Dean come qualcuno che ha scelto di essere com'è. Se fosse vero che Dean non dà alcun valore a se stesso, la conseguenza più logica sarebbe che fa ciò che fa e ciò che ha fatto in passto per un senso di dovere e di obbligo e io non vedo in Dean quest'aspetto. Non volgio negare il trauma di Dean e che quel trauma sia stata la cause, insieme al comportamento di John, del suo eccessivo, a volte dannoso, attaccamento alla famiglia (liberarsi dei legami con la famiglia è il primo passo verso l'età adulta), ma ci sono dei risvolti meno negativi in questo e circostanze esterne che hanno impedito a Dean (come a Sam, per essere onesti) di crearsi una vita indipendente.

Come stai?

Sto pulendo la casa! AIUTOOOOO! :D


animotus February 27 2009, 11:28:58 UTC
Tutti abbiamo bisogno di confronto e mani alle quali attaccarci,se vedessi lo show e ne discutessi solo con me stessa sarei ridicola!:P Anche se alle volte entrare in troppe discussioni mi confonde!

Sì,non va negato o comunque messo in secondo piano il fatto che hanno una vita terribile,hanno vissuto eventi tragici che hanno segnato inevitabilmente anche il loro carattere.L'attaccamento di Dean alla famiglia lo capisco benissimo,agli occhi di chi guarda può sembrare morboso ma è semplicemente un istinto naturale,magari most of it è conseguenza della tragicità della sua vita ma Dean SCEGLIE ciò che è,così come ha scelto di andare giù all'inferno,non dimentichiamo che ci sono cose che si fanno d'istinto e non c'è pensiero razionale che tenga.E vorrei anche dire che non mi è mai piaciuta la definizione di soldatino che viene sempre attribuita a Dean,la linea è sottile qui...


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