FHGSL, as I was unable to get this post up on the 7th, the Super-Mega Challenge's timetable has been moved forward one day. *fail* Meaning everything starts and ends one day later. If you're confused, check the
Sign-Up Post; I've edited the schedule accordingly.
With sign-ups closed, it's now time to start making your icons! You have 26 in total, one for each letter of the alphabet and 26 days to complete your set! Off you go!
Posting Your IconsOnce you have all 26 icons done, post them. It can be in your journal, your icon community, wherever you like to post your icons. The post must be public as well. If you feel so inclined, you can use a table generator.
Malionette's Generator]
Angelamaria's Generator]
sgl_girl's Generator]
77words's Generator]
Include how each letter is represented in your icons. The representations can be compiled in a list below the icons, in an image tag, in place of the numbers in the table, just make sure the representations are included. If you have questions about formatting, feel free to ask.
SubmissionOnce your icons are posted, it's time for the next step. Submit your completed claim as a comment to this un-screened post. Your comment should include:
1. The series that you claimed
2. A link to your entry with all 26 icons
① Series Name② http://yourURLhere.com">
Link Text! If you wish to enter an icon for the Single Icon contest,
comment HERE. You may advertise your icons if you so wish. All icons are due by July 3rd.
7/4: Last chance! Until winners for the Single Icon contest, go up, I will continue accepting completed claims. Best of luck!
tcg_exchange PrizesSubmitting - Completing a full set of 26 icons within the time limit will earn you a Rank B Cert and 2 random cards.
Voting - 1 random card.
Winning - First place gets 2 random cards. Second place and below get 1 random card. Mod's Choice will not receive any cards.
Need Icons From:
☐ pixelwater
☐ surmise
☐ hinata
☐ ravens_rising
☐ farsketched
☐ snm_queen
☐ psycophant
☐ carnimirie
☐ inquisitorial
☐ arcangelus
☐ meruberri
☐ crescent_fall
☐ izilen
☐ rebirthings
☐ casper_san
☐ mior_ravie
☐ kasumisukimix
Have Icons From:
☑ rashiea
☑ royalbk
☑ dechanter
☑ orangeasplosion
☑ moonstruckalice
☑ vai_rin
☑ pocket_rebelion
☑ bananafrog
☑ massivecrisis
☑ ptit_lu
☑ xdrugsneverwork
☑ shadow_desires
☑ dragon_gypsy
☑ porvora
☑ pikabot
☑ fiendie
☑ wockys
☑ lefthandpenguin
☑ twikami
☑ nurikokoishii
☑ __let_go__
☑ whitelilies22
☑ ciemny_i_maly
☑ coloredpastels
☑ mobiuswolf
☑ lonekitty
☑ caterfree10
☑ astrokittie
Base Code