❝Week 05 Submissions: Neon Genesis Evangelion❞

May 29, 2010 16:09

This week's featured series is dated 1995 but it actually never gets old, XD

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Click for full size

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. ^^

All icons are due Friday, June 4th at 11:59pm PDT.

❝ You may submit up to 3 icons
❝ You can either use the provided images or your own but your icon must feature this week's series
❝ You may use images of every official adaptation (manga, anime, videogame, etc.)
❝ Only official art is allowed: no fanarts or doujinshi
❝ No explicit images: please keep your icons work-safe
❝ Icons must meet LiveJournal requirements: no more than 100x100 pixels and 40kb, .JPEG, .GIF, or .PNG format
❝ All icons submitted must be new and remain anonymous, meaning you cannot publicly display them until the voting for that week is closed

To submit, comment to this screened post.

Sample Submission

URL: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/Vale-chan/Kajika-wild.png

Have fun! ;)


Affiliate plug: dgray_icontest an icontest for the animanga series D.Gray-man

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submissions, week 05

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