#181 -
calleia - Afghan Hound
I found similarities between myself and all of my choices, but after consideration I have to say that it was the canines that fit to my personality the best way. It was a hard choice between two dogs personality-wise.
I ended up feeling that it is the Afghan hound that would better embody me as an animal. First off I was very surprised and amused that this dog got voted, because I happen to have earlier attachment to this breed. It was years ago when my mother actually made a statement that if I would be a dog, I would be an Afghan hound. She didn't personally know this breed, so the assessment was based to our similar outward appearances. This also apparently affected to voting of this dog.
I searched from Wikipedia some information of this dog and the sentence that helped the choice of this particular breed to be my animagus form also personality-wise was this: "The temperament of the typical Afghan Hound can be aloof and dignified, but happy and clownish when playing". I am an aloof person, there is no doubt of that, I am nice and kind to everyone but I warm slowly to any closer contact. I also have high sense of how I present myself to people, I carry myself upright, and new acquaintances tend usually remember me as well-mannered and respectful person. I’ve also heard people refer to me as a handsome woman, probably due to that I am tall and that I carry myself proudly - I don’t use fancy accessories or hairdos and my make-up is natural and I know that I look impressive just like that, hence the hint of proudness. However, though I come out as reserved and distant person to those that do not know me well and act in that manner when doing my work and being out there, I am very silly person when I’m with my own family. I enjoy having fun with those few people that are really close to me and they know that I am totally silly person who goes awwww to this and that, teases them about little things and is giddy and ditzy. Behind the scenes I can also have a real blond moments, though I otherwise in work relations appear as a person who is careful what to speak out and do.
There is other similarities as well. Though I am pretty obedient person when doing my work and I am fully loyal to my family, I do idealise independence and the feel of it is important to me. I like holding matters in my own hands and though am considerate enough to do what I am asked most of the time, I do however think things through before acting. How I do the thing I am ordered/asked to do depends of how I’ll see it done the best. In addition I tend to have the tendency to go to the "deaf ear" mode - if I have something I am concentrating on and someone comes talking to me I soon may succumb doing the "uh-huh, mm-m" thing and I practically have no idea what is being said at the moment. It is said that Afghan hounds do also have a leaning towards independence and that they can occasionally ignore commands. They are also dogs that like their own space and do not need company all the time and that is something I relate to very well.
Because I feel the coherence between me and Afghan hound in physical and in temper level I have chosen it to be my animagus form.
Kaisa, Hufflepuff
June 2008
#182 -
music_simbol - Maine Coon Cat
I choose the Maine Coon Cat as my animagus. Even after only doing a basic search of all my choices, I knew this was it for me. I've always liked cats, not to mention have a strong interest in all things Ancient Egypt, a society where cats were revered. Having something in the feline family as my animagus just makes sense.
The first thing I love about the Maine Coon is it's physical appearance. While it is a domestic cat, it's the largest kind. My stature is not that impressive, as I'm the shortest person in my family, but my lack of height, I make up with my physical strength. The Maine Coon may be seen as a pet, but could easily put down animals smaller than it. Another physical trait that resembles me, is it's dense fur. My hair is crazy thick, so much, I'm pretty sure three wigs could be make from it. :P
When it comes to character, I can definitely relate to the Maine Coon. It has an above average intelligence, and while I try not to toot my own horn, I do believe that my mind is more developed than most (I'm a claw, ain't I? :P). They are noted for rarely eating alone, preferring to eat in the company of other cats or humans. I'm the same way. While I can be fine eating alone, I do love sharing meals with family and friends. Having that playful banter and chattiness going on between people. Food has always been a reason for get-togethers in my life, and it looks like the Maine Coon embodies that as well.
Another trait that I totally share with this cat, it's high interest in water. I can float but can barely swim. However, I do love being in the water. The Maine Coon enjoys playing with water. While it doesn't jump into a pool and swim around, the curiosity and affection for water is there. It's a common thing for me to play around in the sink while I'm washing my hands or doing the dishes. I'll just let the water run all over my hands, just enjoying the feeling of it.
Maine Coons are typically very calm and listen to their owners. This is yet another characteristic I share with this cat. Overall, I'm a level-headed person, no matter what. I try not to let anything get me rilled up. And when it comes to listening, it's all I seem to do in life! In addition to doing what I'm told by my father, I'm just a listener in general. It's common for friends to call me when they need to talk about an issue or problem in their life. I'm pretty much the therapist for my friends and family. :)
Doing all this research on the Maine Coon just made me fall in love with it. Not only is it me, in cat form, but in the future, when I do get a pet of my own, I'm getting a Maine Coon. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Lamia, Ravenclaw
June 2008
#183 -
jademurasaki - Little Owl
First, may I say that I loved the four choices that were chosen for me, it was very difficult to choose between them. I ended up doing lots of research on all four of the choices to help me decide, which is why I'm close to the deadline on this essay. In the end I decided on the Little Owl as my Animagus form of choice.
Now those of you who are my LJ friends and are in Ravenclaw might know that my internet nickname for almost 15 years has been some form of "Owl". Despite that fact, my choice of Animagus form was NOT a given. The Congo African Grey appealed to the intellectual side of me, the Sea Otter my playful, water-sports loving, and independent side, and the Little Owl is my feminine side, my hunter/protective side and finally, my spiritual side (even as a child I always felt a strong connection to the ones in the woods and creek areas near my house and also I dreamed about them often since I was a child).
One thing that clinched my decision was that, despite the fact that owls are not truly wise (in fact they are quite dumb at almost everything except what they need to know to hunt and safely raise their babies), that as a Little Owl Animagus, I would be able to keep my human knowledge and intelligence and bring that with me and thus I could start to look for reasons I SHOULD choose the Little Owl.
In the Wizarding community, I would be able to travel freely as many people would think I was just a delivery owl. Although Owls can't communicate in a way that most untrained people can understand, as an Animagus I could write whatever information I needed to communicate to someone in the form of a letter and then shift into my Animagus form to deliver it to the person whom I wanted to communicate with. There would be NO reason to suspect me of being anything but another Owlery delivery owl!
Also, the Little Owl is one of the few owls that is more diurnal than nocturnal in their hunting practices, and I am not a "night owl" in my human form, thus in my Animagus form, I would not want to be a purely nocturnal creature. Of course, Little Owls can hunt at night, but they choose to do so more during the day and through sunset and twilight (which are actually my favorite times of day/evening).
The other reasons I am choosing the Little Owl as my animagus form are purely for spiritual, mythological and symbolic reasons. In this case I might come across as very much like a "Luna Lovegood" type Ravenclaw, so please bear with my eccentricity. Even as a child I believed in the special qualities of animals. At the same time, I have voraciously studied metaphysics and comparative religions as well as mythology and symbology since second or third grade, including those topics in how they connected with animals.
The Owl is a very dualistic animal in mythology, symbology and religion, and the fact that it is both of the dark/ light, the yin/yang, good and evil makes it all the more attractive to me as my Animagus form. The Owl is usually associated with the negative aspect of the feminine (or the Dark Goddess), with the night, dark, death (as a hunter), silent travel (which makes them even more feared as a hunter), autumn and winter, spirit travel (or a carrier of spirit messages between the worlds of life and spirit), and they are companions of those who practice magic. At the same time, depending on what culture's myths and symbols you look at, owls can be seen in a very positive light. In Japan, Owls are seen as a symbol of hospitality and they can turn away "bad luck" [this meaning is based on the Chinese kanji used for the word "owl", which pronounced in Japanese is "Fu" (luck) and "kurou" (turns away the bad)]. In Greece, the owl was the companion of the goddess of wisdom and rationality, Athena. In fact, they believe that the very breed of owl that was "Athena's Owl" was the "Little Owl", because it is one of the most common owls in that part of the world and was known to roost at the Parthenon.
In the end, the connection of the Little Owl with Athena and the fact that in my dreams, where I have often been accompanied by a small owl, helped me to decide on this as my Animagus form.
Jade, Ravenclaw
July 2008
#184 -
butterfly269200 - Flat-Coated Retriever
The animal that I have decided to choose is the Flat-Coated Retriever. This is what I learned about the animal while I was researching my choices: Flat-coats make exceptional family companions, bonding very closely with all members of the family. Compared with other sporting breeds, Flat-coats have a relatively low activity level indoors, but outdoors can play, run and retrieve tirelessly. Flat-coats given too little exercise, companionship and mental stimulation, however, can become overly active or destructive indoors, especially if left alone for extended periods of time. They are wonderful with older children but may be too exuberant for very small children. Early obedience training and socialization are highly recommended. The well-socialized and well-trained Flat-coat is an optimistic, enthusiastic dog with a constantly wagging tail who is a friend to all.
The Flat-coat’s personality is described as outgoing, devoted, and friendly, an ideal companion with a strong bond to its owner and family.They are easily bored with repetitive training techniques and can exhibit a streak of willfulness at times. For this reason, it is best to make training sessions fun, varied, and relatively short for the dog. Flat-coats are very sensitive and respond best to positive reinforcement. They cannot tolerate harsh handling or corrections. Sometimes they are referred to as the "Peter Pan of dogs" because they never grow up, acting playful and puppy-like well into old age.
As I was reading through the Wiki page I just kept repeating "Wow! This dog is a lot like me." over and over. Sunny disposition? Check. Friendly to others? Check. Bonds closely with family and friends? Check. Needs stimulation or it becomes destructive? Check. I am not even kidding about the last one. I was confined in a meeting for four hours once and it was all I could do not to throw something at someone just for something interesting to do. XD
They are sensitive to corrections, this is me as well. I take it to heart whenever I am corrected, often thinking that I have made myself look bad or offended someone. (This goes back to my worrying trait.) If I do need to be corrected or disciplined I need it to be in a gentle way that lets me know that I am still cared for.
FLat-coats are immature. XD I am 24 and I totally act like I am 12. I laugh at fart jokes (because farting is funny, I don't care who you are. XD), I make up stupid names for the people that I don't like, I still color in coloring books, and I basically shun adulthood as much as possible.
AND they are freaking adorable! How could I not want to be a Flat-coat? They look like long haired Labs! (I have always felt a connection with Labs)
So, in short I would like to be the Flat-coated Retriever, please. .
Candace, Hufflepuff
July 2008
#185 -
heartzablaze - Rough Collie
The animagus form I chose is the Rough Collie. I'd also prefer the Sable and white variety. According to Wiki, "The Rough Collie is an intelligent, friendly and active dog. They should show no nervousness or aggressiveness and are good with children and other animals. Rough collies are very loyal and protective to their owners. By nature gentle and domesticated, they are fearless in danger and will rush to defend their owners."
I chose this animal form for several reasons. The first was the joy I found when I saw the wiki page and realized this was the type of collie that I loved dearly. I've had several as pets over the years (well two to be totally honest) and they are the best dogs to have, in my opinion. They are smart, friendly, and very loving. They are also very loyal. I believe these are also characteristic's I possess. They can be playful and fun at times but sometimes they just want to be loved. The rough collies I had were very protective of their owners (me). I would run and play with her outside and then fall down like I was dead and she would bark, put her paw on me, and nudge my face with her nose until I woke up. It was so cute and a game we played. She was also fierce if she thought someone was hurting me. Although she did believe she weighed only 5 pounds, evident by the way she'd hop in my lap like that was all she weighed. She weighed 75 pounds.
I am extremely loyal to my friends and family. I can be playful at times which I believe is best expressed by the way I tease everybody I can at every possible moment. I tend to be a gentle person until someone crosses me. I also consider myself pretty intelligent. Well in those subjects that interest me I am. I am extremely friendly also. I have tons of "friends" and seem to be able to make anybody feel at ease and welcome around me. I also love children even if I don't have the patience to have one of my own. I love to spoil them and send them home.
Michele, Hufflepuff
August 2008
#186 -
orientation - Korat
The animagus form which I have chosen is the Korat. Out of my four choices, I picked this one as it's the only domestic creature, and I feel i'd have more in common with that than a wild one. I prefer the comforts of home, rather than having to fend for myself in the big wide world. I also prefer a system in which to do things; such as eat and groom!
Cats like their peace and quiet. They're very good at finding a place of solitude to be able to rest and relax. When they're not sleeping, they like to explore, which is something very appealing to me. Sleeping and exploring: my two favourite things!
I have quite a lot in common with cats. Korats, as with all cats, are extremely fussy eaters, they are anal about cleanliness and irritable when disturbed (we also like at least 16 hours of sleep a day!)
Korats are described as being "intelligent, shy, soft-voiced, playful, active cats and form strong bonds with people", which describes me perfectly (if I do say so myself!) But what really confirmed this as my perfect Animagus form was that they "are surprisingly heavy for their size". I swear, I must have been a Korat in a past life!
Eloise, Gryffindor
August 2008
#188 -
emeryboard - Arctic Fox
The Arctic fox is one of the smallest of the vulpes genus. It’s strongly built, with a small body designed to have the least surface area to protect it from the cold. Its fur is another advantage -Arctic foxes are considered to have the warmest fur of all mammals. It is an opportunist, capable of living off whatever food may present itself, and its hearing is acute enough to detect prey moving under the snow.
In my opinion, this animal matches my personality perfectly. Like the Arctic fox, I tend to make very little fuss about the strength I do have. Speed and brains often get the job done for me much more efficiently than brute force. I don’t tend to fight much -although I like debates and constructive arguments- and would much rather have all the facts before I start anything. When fights happen, I tend to keep my head and defend myself with amused sarcasm. I lose that amusement when things get serious, but not the sarcasm. I’m good at fencing questions for the same reasons -exaggerated truths and jokes are my stock in trade, so to speak.
The Arctic fox doesn’t have much territory, just as I have many things I don't consider worth fighting over -but any naturalist will tell you a vixen will fight to the death for her kits. In the same way, I have several issues or people about which I refuse to compromise.
People tend to underestimate foxes, since they don’t have the press that wolves and coyotes do -but a fox can do severe damage when they want to. Although I’m not a naturally athletic person, I’ve gotten into enough fights with my brothers to know how to hurt someone if I need to. It’s a running joke in my family that I’m not allowed to walk home after dark, because they don’t want the muggers to sue me.
Foxes are known for their cunning and wits, especially in their ability to gauge a fight, rather than rushing into an uneven battle as a dog or a wolf might do -and that’s a statement that’s particularly apt for me.
I like to stay on the technical right side of the rules, but have no problem bending or breaking them if I think it’s worth the risk -and often get away with it because of my previous law-abidingness.
I tend to be very nocturnal -staying up late and night and bitterly resenting anything like an early-morning start, like the Arctic fox’s natural habits. I am very indifferent to cold, and often the only person not wearing a jumper, which drives most of my friends insane at one times or another -as well as being short and strong for my size.
I am very adaptable and use whatever is around me to make myself as comfortable as I can. Just as the Arctic fox scavenges for left-overs from polar bears if food is scarce -despite the fact that the bears sometimes eat Arctic foxes -I am not afraid to ask for help from people I don't like. If I want something, I go after it, even if there’s risk involved.
Foxes live in small dens that will often stay the same from year to year -and anyone who knows me will tell you my room is about as close to a den as you can get without actually digging a hole outside in the backyard somewhere. Also, they change their coats depending on the climate at the time, something I have no trouble doing, although in a rather opposite way. When my friends are being insane, I tend to act responsible and when they are fairly serious, I play the lunatic.
Also, I had eight people in my application individually vote me as an Arctic fox. Now, if that isn’t a sign . . .
Emma, Ravenclaw
August 2008
#189 -
sallycandance - Spectacled Bear
From the various animals offered, I choose the spectacled bear (or Andean bear) as my animagus form.
The spectacled bear is the smallest type in the family of great bears (which includes brown bears and grizzly bears) and it is the last survivor of the family of short-faced bears thus making the spectacled bear a small attraction.
I have always rooted for the underdogs, so to speak, so having the animagus form of an animal that is hard to find in nature and difficult to breed in captivity actually gives me thrills.
Spectacled bears, as stated above, are small (almost my size with an average body length of 150-180cm), but strong. They live mainly in the Andes, hence the name Andean bear, and are supposed to be nocturnal (another thing which fills me with curiosity: roaming the forests at night!) and, apart from mothers with their cubs, live on their own.
They live in various kinds of territories, from forests to plains and seem to be highly adaptive to their surroundings. Those who do dwell in forests are known to build nests high up in trees to sleep and repose (something which I’d definitely do).
In addition to that, bears in general are known to take things easy, fool around sometimes and play, and generally live on the bright side of life; with which I can identify very much, as it is my view of things exactly: I eat, I rest, I frolic -> I’m satisfied.
Taking these facts into consideration: living on their own, nocturnal, small but very strong, peaceful, cuddly but dangerous if threatened; I think the spectacled bear would suit me perfectly. They share some of my own traits and match them well with characteristics I’d like to possess, for example the strength and the ability to actually be autarkic.
One of the main reasons I chose the spectacled bear (or would have chosen any type of bear, probably) is the fact that they are big (compared to, let’s say a fox or a cat) and strong and thus do not have to generally be afraid or live in actual fear of a natural enemy. I myself am small, not very strong and live with lots of fears. It would be a great relief to be able to shake those off those and just live for a while.
Who knows, I might change into one and never come back to civilization again !
Also, they are WAAAAY cute. I apologize for this last statement, it was unscientific and simply uncalled for.
Sally, Hufflepuff
August 2008
#191 -
silverjet12 - Arctic Wolf
The list of choices I received were amazing - and though I looked and researched them all before I made a choice, the choice was easy to make.
The arctic wolf (also known as the polar or white wolf), was exactly the kind of creature I was hoping for. The other choices, while good, didn’t even come close.
The arctic wolf is a large wolf that travels in small-ish packs. I, like the wolves, tend to travel in my own “pack.” I have a close knit group of friends who know everything about each other. While having a pack, the wolf is very social. I do have my own group of friends, but I get along with and speak to pretty much everyone.
The wolves are known for their inquisitive, bold, and playful natures. I tend to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong a lot - and it annoys me when I don’t know what’s going on. I’m very playful, I’m all about having fun and living life to it’s fullest like the wolves. I, too, am very bold - I highly value people who speak their minds and I do the same. I’m always the person to come off as loud-mouthed and I really don’t care about other’s opinions.
Ashlee, Gryffindor
October 2008
#192 -
musikurt - Eurasian Eagle Owl
First of all, on a very surface level, I would say I am connected to the Eurasian Eagle Owl simply through what owls are often seen to represent-wisdom and knowledge. I say this not because I think I am someone who is necessarily more wise or knowledgeable than others, but because learning and understanding are things that I definitely take every available opportunity to seek.
More specifically, the Eurasian Eagle Owl is a very distinctive species because of its size and orange eyes and I am also someone who is very unique. Within my own family and my social circles, I am one who often is in pursuit of something different. I don’t necessary stand out like a bright-colored animal might, but my eclectic interests, career path (which I love, but some days even I wonder how I was ever influenced down this track), and my values make it clear that I am someone who, while never feeling out of place, is unique from those around me.
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is also described as a large, powerful bird and in some ways I can relate to that. I am a relatively outspoken person, especially when it comes to areas of social equality and injustice. Also, in my job I hold quite a bit of power. In addition to supervising a large student staff, I have the authority to assess disciplinary sanctions on students that can range anything from a monetary fine or a research paper to cancellation of their on-campus room or recommendation for suspension or expulsion from the university. The wisdom that I’ve gained from learning and understanding help me to always use my power appropriately but sometimes it’s easy to understand that some students with whom I interact find my intimidating just by the sheer nature of my job role
Curtis, Hufflepuff
August 2008
#193 -
maryamanda - Arabian Leopard
As my animagus, I have chosen the Arabian Leopard, Panthera pardus nimr. Even though I was raised in a household filled with canines, I have never been able to deny my natural affinity and, perhaps, connection with the “Big Cats.” I have always been in awe of them, so when I saw one as an animagus choice for myself, I was drawn to it immediately. However, I ensured that I first reflected upon all of my choices before coming to this decision for the reasons outlined below.
The Arabian Leopard lives high in the mountains in order to escape the desert heat of the Arabian Peninsula. It spends its day lounging and snoozing in the shade at a high point where it can always be aware of its surroundings. As a person who worries often, I like to always be keenly aware of everything that’s going on around me. Like myself, the leopard is crepuscular, most active at dawn and dusk; I find that my own mind is most awake and alert at such hours. The leopard is then awake throughout the cool night.
The Arabian Leopard is not a social animal, but a loner with a unique territory that it guards from others of its kind. While I have a large group of friends that I value and enjoy spending time with, I am not so flippant in my trust of others; indeed, you might say that the only person whom I fully trust is my boyfriend. As an introvert, I find even the most enjoyable social situations to be draining, and I need alone time to recover and regain my energy.
As a loner, the female Arabian Leopard is violently defensive of its territory to all others except for her mate. I myself am very defensive of my “territory.” When I feel wounded by someone else’s words, I become very defensive and upset. This is especially true when my intelligence comes into question; if someone questions my intelligence or speaks down to me, I react in a most unpleasant manner. The “territory” I hold close to my heart and defend is large, as is that of the Arabian Leopard. I hold a lot of things dear. Though I may not appear strong, I become fierce when challenged. The leopard is the smallest of the Big Cats in the genus Panthera, but it is strong and agile all the same.
Very calculated in its movements, the Arabian Leopard executes a plan in its hunting. It lithely stalks its prey until, at the last moment, it pounces on the doomed creature’s throat. Before going into action, I always make sure that I have a very precise plan; if it’s any indication, I wrote an outline before writing this short essay.
Lastly, the leopard is uniquely composed and controlling of its domain. My own fascination with the Big Cats began after seeing pictures of them. In almost any picture of a member of Panthera, the cat looks very composed, very smooth, very well-assembled. I am often complimented on my own poise and posture. As recently as last night, when out to dinner with my friends, one turned to me and said, “You’re much too put-together to be hanging out with the likes of us. You could do so much better.” But I just smiled and shook my head, happy to know that I was, in a sense, in control of my own domain.
Amanda, Ravenclaw
August 2008
#194 -
laurahonest - Merriam Bobcat
This was a very tough decision for me. Three of my choices really spoke to me and it took all week to decide between them.
In the end though I have chosen the Bobcat. I know a Bobcat doesn't blend in very well around people but I can give that up. I have loved Bobcats since I was a little girl. I used to watch "Wild America" with my dad and they had a Bobcat in the intro and it was so graceful and pretty.
Beyond a childhood attraction though, the Bobcat is very similar to me. Bobcats have foods they prefer, and they have other foods that they will eat if they have to. I am a very picky eater, but if I am hungry enough I will branch out and eat other things.
I enjoy the company of people, but I need time alone. I am a stay at home mom so I spend most of my time alone or with just my son as company. Bobcats are mostly solitary creatures as well. They overlap their territory a bit, but for the most part they are loners with only thier offspring around them.
Bobcats aren't strictly noctural or diurnal and neither am I. I prefer the night, but I am cable of being up during the day or early in the morning. The Bobcat varies it's sleep schedule based on when it's prey is moving.
I think that beyond my fondness for them, I am actually quite similar to Bobcats.
Lorelei, Hufflepuff
September 2008
#195 -
themarisa - Eurasian Lynx
After much debating and research, I have decided to opt for the Eurasian Lynx. The first thing that attracted me to the Lynx was it being in the cat family. I love cats, but mainly for their independent nature. I don't like depending on others and rather follow my own route. The Lynx is an independent creature who thrives in a colder environment. The environment is another key factor in my decision. I made mention that I could never survive in a warm climate. The Eurasian Lynx is mainly in Eastern Europe and Russia. They are tailored for a cool place. That is how I basically feel. I am truly only comfortable with cold air surrounding me.
An aura power of also surrounds the Lynx as well. I'm not referring to being powerf hungry. No, I wanted an animal to convey a powerful image. The Lynx is both graceful and beautiful. I respect the animal and would feel basically honoured if I could adapt apart of my personality to the creature. Finally, the most important reason why I chose the Lynx was that it is a nocturnal animal. I stated in my original application that I used to suffer bouts of insomnia. However, insomnia was once described as a rebellion against the conformity of sleep. I think it can be stated by my personality that rebelling against expected methods of perception is a quirk of mine. An animal that can allow me to explore the night is one that I have a deeply desire to know.
So, those are my reasons. I'm sorry this is an 11th hour submission but it took my awhile to get to this decision.
Marisa, Gryffindor
September 2008
#196 -
slyfoxesq - Red Fox
Foxes have a reputation in mythology, folklore and literature as being tricksters. The very word shenanigan (a deceitful confidence trick, or mischief) is thought to be derived from the Irish expression sionnachuighim, meaning "I play the fox." A fox is an animal which never seems to take itself too seriously in folklore and always manages to talk its way out of serious situations. It's also willing to use deception in order to get what it wants, and there is an old Tswana saying that "only the muddy fox lives," which both make it a fitting form for a Slytherin.
The red fox is a clever, playful animal, and I think it matches me perfectly. It's in my nature to always have an escape plan, and the fox is reknowned for taking care of itself and getting out of dangerous situations. As someone who prefers the aisle on airplanes and the "outside" seat at restaurants (no, really), I can certainly understand that and appreciate this creature's sense of self-preservation. Foxes in general have a reputation for being cunning, devious animals, sneaking into chicken coops and outsmarting any who give chase. I am incessantly curious and love that my animagus form shares the same trait. On top of this, foxes also have a playful nature, as can be seen watching any video on YouTube featuring more than one of them. They love to tease and play with each other and are typically very energetic and active. I love humour and am far more focused on play and having fun than having a good work ethic.
The red fox is naturally crepuscular but also tends to be nocturnal in some environments, which matches my schedule perfectly. They tend to hunt alone and den only with close family, and I prefer to work alone and need plenty of "me" space. Foxes are known for their wide range of unique vocalizations and are quite talkative animals, which (as I'm sure anyone who knows me can attest) matches my rather vocal demeanour. Foxes are thought to be rather near-sighted, which amuses me because I am as well - I wonder if I keep my contacts in animagus form?
The main thing that endears the red fox to me so much and differentiates it from my previous form (the grey fox) is its versatility. Red foxes are found all over the world, from North America to Europe to Africa, India, Japan, and Australia. I really wanted a form which I could use comfortably both at home (in Texas) and when I am visiting my family in Scotland and not seem out of place. Since I really love travelling, I am delighted to have a form which can fit in pretty much anywhere. Additionally, the red fox's preferred habitat of woodlands is far more appealing to me than the swamps and mountains that grey foxes favour. I recently watched "The Fox and the Child," a French film by Luc Jacquet (the "March of the Penguins" guy), and the woods and meadows the fox called home were just absolutely breathtaking. I'm also a fan of the gray fox's diet - meat supplemented with fruits, nuts and eggs sounds pretty good, and their diet is an indication of their high level of adaptability.
The fox is also associated with individualism and seduction in folklore. Aesop in particular is fixated on the individualism of the fox, and as someone who typically champions the ideas of independence, self-reliance and personal liberty, I strongly identify with this association. As far as seduction goes, it's not above the fox to change its shape or disguise itself as a man in order to go dancing or into the form of a beautiful woman to seduce men; the famous tale of Reynard the Fox even tells of Reynard seducing the wolf, a queen. I can be rather charming when I choose to, and delight in doting on and pleasing my loved ones. And as my fellow HiHers by now know, I am fond of debating and tend to be a persuasive influence on those around me, which correlates with the fox's seductive nature.
Overall, I think the red fox is a fantastic match for my personality and habits, and I am proud to have it as my animagus form.
Fox, Slytherin
September 2008
(Changed January 2010)
#197 -
buffette - Abyssinian
I choose the Abyssinian as my Animagus. Abyssinians are extrovert, willful and intelligent, but are usually not "lap cats", being too preoccupied with exploring and playing as they would in their natural habitat. This is like me because I love to go out driving and just get lost so I can be alone to think. I love trying new things and meeting new people but never get too close with the people I meet. Abyssinians need a great deal of contact with the family to keep them happy and can get depressed without daily activity and attention. I love my family and wouldn’t know what I would do without my mom. When I live at school I talk to her everyday. I also love being the center of attention around anyone and can get very lonely if I am alone too long. They generally get on well with other cats, although they need their space and the females can sometimes be irritable around other cats. I get along with everyone until they do something that makes me upset or pisses me off. Abyssinians are known for their curiosity and enjoy exploring their surroundings, including heights, although they are sensible cats that do not take unnecessary risks. I definitely love heights, I love planes and riding on them and I love roller coasters. I am not afraid to try new things unless I know it will directly endanger my life. The Abyssinian's personality is almost identical to my own; intelligent, playful, friendly, and curious.
Sara, Gryffindor
October 2008
#200 -
cigamerisedi - Japanese Squirrel
I have finally come to the decision that I would like to choose the Japanese Squirrel. While I really like the idea of being a flying/gliding squirrel, I do not think that I really relate to them. Besides, have you seen how far a regular squirrel can jump? I'm okay with that amount of airborne ability. I never really expected my Animagus to be a squirrel, even though all signs might be argued as a push in the squirrelly direction. But I do find it telling that so many people in my life have said that when they see a squirrel they think of me - obviously some of that has become association, but still.
Squirrels and I share the following things: we are clever and persistent. We enjoy nuts and veggies, especially other peoples. We generally do well as social creatures and aren't ashamed to take a few handouts now and then, but we can also be reclusive. We like to nest and are extremely defensive/possessive of our place and our things. We can become aggressive when provoked or when we feel threatened, but otherwise we're pretty adorable. We love trees, but we also love burrowing - good mix of air and earth in my opinion.
I'm happy to take the Japanese Squirrel as it's a nice connection to my time in Japan and my love for the country. But I also feel like if I'm going to be a somewhat common animal it's fitting that I'm one that's rare and unique for its area. In general, I am really pleased to be something sneaky, bold, cute, curious, and mischievous. All of those qualities seem pretty spot on if I do say so myself.
Risu, Gryffindor
October 2008
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