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Jul 19, 2009 01:34

You know, I tend to have a huge kink in RPF where the actors roleplay as their characters. But for Trek, that doesn't happen for me, because the actors I 'ship don't coincide with the characters I 'ship, which basically has never happened to me before. I love Sam/Dean; I love Jensen/Jared. I love Nathan/Peter; I love Adrian/Milo. I love Richard/Kahlan; I love Craig/Bridget. Other people's mileage may vary, but for me, the RPF is an extension of the chemistry the actors have when they're playing their characters, so naturally, I 'ship both. The actor side don't always happen, of course. I adore John/Aeryn, but I totally don't even think about 'shipping Ben/Claudia. I read a LOT of Boromir/Faramir at one point, but I was never into Sean Bean/David Wenham.

Shipping the characters don't mean I 'ship the actors, but if I 'ship the actors, I always 'ship the characters. And I'm using the term "ship" deliberately, even though I'm not a big fan of the term, but it denotes the concept of wanting two people together in a relationship way. 'Cause for Trek, it's not like I'm not into Chris/Karl, but I don't 'ship them. They're very much a "hook-up" pairing for me. Hot as hell, pornolicious, but it doesn't work for me as an actual relationship. So it's like. I love Chris/Zach, but I'm so totally not into Kirk/Spock in the slightest, so I have no interest in the idea of Chris and Zach roleplaying as their respective characters. I like Chris/Karl, LOVE Kirk/McCoy, but I'm also not into the idea of roleplay there either, because the latter is a 'ship while the former is not.

With that said, you know what I kinda crave and think it might hit the spot for me? Zach/Karl roleplaying as Spock/McCoy. Which is WEIRD, I know. I think, like, two people have written Zach/Karl, and the pairing just doesn't work for me. I'm oddly a little bit into Spock/McCoy, which I can't explain, because every reason I come up with can be applied to K/S, and yet I'm not into K/S. But somehow, yeah, idk. I think I'd like that.

I should probably drop by trek_rpf_kink. HA.

pinto, meta, rps, new trek

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