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Comments 31

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angstbunny September 14 2008, 22:39:04 UTC
You mean the one with Crews and the orange in the air? I'm kinda torn on it actually. That's a S2 promo, and they seem to be trying to sass her up, which is meh.


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angstbunny September 14 2008, 22:43:42 UTC
You know, I was pretty surprised to find out that she's like some sexpot actress, because they do a really good job of butching her up for this show.

SHE'S ALWAYS FIERCE OMG. She makes the BEST "bitch please" looks ever, most of them, as you can expect, are made at Charlie, haha.


grimorie September 15 2008, 11:56:53 UTC
Hurrah for Life reccing! Seriously, this show needs more people watching it, it is such an amazing series. I never expected to fall in love with the show, the characters so fast. Completely blindsided me, like a two by four came up and *wham* Loves.

BTW completely agree with your comments up thread, she *is* fierce. I was also surprised that before Life all the roles she had were all sexy roles, when I tried googling her the first time I felt I had to step back because the first things that came out were all cheesecake shots of Sarah.

It was so different from Dani Reese I had a whiplash. Apparently even though she tried to audition for more serious roles people kept turning her down because they said she was 'too pretty', reading her interviews now she seemed so grateful she was finally given the chance to prove that she could act.

I've become strangely protective of her career, again, this is a first since mostly I try to keep distance between the role and the actors.


angstbunny September 15 2008, 17:54:17 UTC
Completely blindsided me, like a two by four came up and *wham* Loves.

I swear to god, first five minutes, and I was in love. The documentary style hits a HUGE narrative kink of mine. Then the first shot of Charlie you see is one of him in prison, totally hopeless and wrecked, and I was like ZOMG, and yeah. I was pretty much gone from that point on. I actually have a "10 Moments I Fell In Love" for the pilot I did up that I have to post when I get home later. And it's like, I just love it more and more and more, as I think about it and pick at it and rewatch it.

when I tried googling her the first time I felt I had to step back

RITE???? I did that, and I was like WHOA! Not that I don't appreciate her hotness, but I got so used to her as Dani and being so awesome as Dani, and then BAM, all these model sexpot shots, and my brain couldn't handle it. I'm so so pleased that she got a chance to show her acting chops off, of which she has plenty.

And I'm grateful that the show lets her be butch. She's a believeable cop. Period. Not a ( ... )


grimorie September 15 2008, 23:38:36 UTC
I actually have a "10 Moments I Fell In Love" for the pilot I did up that I have to post when I get home later.

Ooh! I will look forward to this!

I was like WHOA! Not that I don't appreciate her hotness, but I got so used to her as Dani and being so awesome as Dani, and then BAM, all these model sexpot shots, and my brain couldn't handle it

Oh, God, yes! That was so disconcerting, after seeing her so buttoned up and then googling and she's barely dressed! I couldn't connect the character to the images I saw. And, well, no disrespecting her L Word fans but I thought most of the things they say about Sarah were kind of demeaning, like all they saw/see is that she has a 'biteable ass' and I always have an urge to go: 'Hey, she's more than that!'

And I'm grateful that the show lets her be butch. She's a believeable cop. Period. Not a prettied up chick cop. I do honestly hope they don't tart her up for S2. Meh.Agreed on all accounts. Dani Reese is a cop's cop and I *love* that about her. Though I did go DO NOT WANT when the first ( ... )


angstbunny September 16 2008, 03:41:49 UTC
I haven't seen "The L Word" but from what I gather, she kinda was just a pretty face on that show, nothing remarkable. And she IS amazingly hot, so I guess that's all they could really say in her favor? Heh. I don't know.

I am REALLY glad to hear that Reese is still Reese. I'm really really dubious about NBC, man. The time slot thing, the Donal thing. I will never cease to be bitter how women just don't seem to matter as a demographic. I have more purchasing power than most of the guys I know who are my age. Fuck the 18-35 male demo. /bitter


redfiona99 September 15 2008, 14:54:42 UTC
Until I saw the link there was going to be a comment bitching that yet again, the UK is lagging behind the US in terms of TV. Because the minute police procedural and strong friendship was mentioned, I was going to end up watching this. I blame my grandmother's love of cowboy films and Steven Bocho productions for this entirely.


angstbunny September 15 2008, 17:41:42 UTC
Hahahaha, excellent. Watch watch watch!!! The friendship/partnership is awesome awesome awesome. Like FLAIL awesome. The pilot is gonna stay up on my site for some time even after I lock the post. If it's to your liking, I'll point you to where you can get more.


madlikerya September 18 2008, 08:26:15 UTC
You haven't steered me wrong yet (Rome, Dexter) so I watched the pilot. Not sold on it yet, but... well, it was a pilot (which thankfully didn't feel too terribly drag-assed or... pilot-y.)

I'll likely give it more of a shot later on in the week. Definitely before the new season starts. You know. Until Dexter eats my brains. (Trying SOHARD not to watch the leaked ep!)


angstbunny September 18 2008, 17:16:31 UTC
It was pretty good for a pilot, but it was still a pilot, yeah. I mean, ultimately, as much as I love this show, it's still a network show, so it's never going to compare to stuff like Rome and Dexter. You gotta grade on a curve, you know? Life picks up, though, and I really hope you like it, too.


madlikerya September 19 2008, 04:30:26 UTC
Well, ignoring Deadwood, Dexter and Rome were my first non-network loves. While I have been spoiled by them somewhat, I can still appreciate network shows. I'm falling in love with a freakin' show from *shock* ABC Family, afterall. So yes to grading on a curve. Gonna start watching more tonight and tomorrow. Weekends are just a never a good time for me to sit down with anything but sports.

I'll let you know if it grows on me :)


citosol September 22 2008, 20:25:01 UTC
"But if you hate streaming, or if those links are useless to you (like they are to me) because you're not in the States, the pilot is currently available for free on iTunes. But if you hate iTunes (like I do), it is also *COFFCOFF* available here. Less official means of attaining episodes can be asked about and answers will be given."

You ARE awesomeness covered with amazingness...thank you so much for this!



angstbunny September 22 2008, 20:39:13 UTC
You're very welcome! I'm assuming that you're DL-ing? I can shoot you an email as to where you can get the rest of the episodes (broadcast version). I would LOVE to upload them all to my webspace, but I don't want to run the risk of violating my TOS. :///


citosol September 22 2008, 20:56:04 UTC
Oh, yes,. I AM DL-ing!!! (and Creese-ing! ^_°)
I'll send you a PM with my e-mail address

Thank you very much!

I discovered your journal few days ago and I find it amazing!


angstbunny September 22 2008, 21:08:26 UTC
Sent you that email, hope you got it. :)

You're very welcome, and thanks! Glad you're enjoying my content. grimorie is bringing all kinds of people to my place, it's pretty wild!


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