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grimorie September 15 2008, 11:56:53 UTC
Hurrah for Life reccing! Seriously, this show needs more people watching it, it is such an amazing series. I never expected to fall in love with the show, the characters so fast. Completely blindsided me, like a two by four came up and *wham* Loves.

BTW completely agree with your comments up thread, she *is* fierce. I was also surprised that before Life all the roles she had were all sexy roles, when I tried googling her the first time I felt I had to step back because the first things that came out were all cheesecake shots of Sarah.

It was so different from Dani Reese I had a whiplash. Apparently even though she tried to audition for more serious roles people kept turning her down because they said she was 'too pretty', reading her interviews now she seemed so grateful she was finally given the chance to prove that she could act.

I've become strangely protective of her career, again, this is a first since mostly I try to keep distance between the role and the actors.


angstbunny September 15 2008, 17:54:17 UTC
Completely blindsided me, like a two by four came up and *wham* Loves.

I swear to god, first five minutes, and I was in love. The documentary style hits a HUGE narrative kink of mine. Then the first shot of Charlie you see is one of him in prison, totally hopeless and wrecked, and I was like ZOMG, and yeah. I was pretty much gone from that point on. I actually have a "10 Moments I Fell In Love" for the pilot I did up that I have to post when I get home later. And it's like, I just love it more and more and more, as I think about it and pick at it and rewatch it.

when I tried googling her the first time I felt I had to step back

RITE???? I did that, and I was like WHOA! Not that I don't appreciate her hotness, but I got so used to her as Dani and being so awesome as Dani, and then BAM, all these model sexpot shots, and my brain couldn't handle it. I'm so so pleased that she got a chance to show her acting chops off, of which she has plenty.

And I'm grateful that the show lets her be butch. She's a believeable cop. Period. Not a ( ... )


grimorie September 15 2008, 23:38:36 UTC
I actually have a "10 Moments I Fell In Love" for the pilot I did up that I have to post when I get home later.

Ooh! I will look forward to this!

I was like WHOA! Not that I don't appreciate her hotness, but I got so used to her as Dani and being so awesome as Dani, and then BAM, all these model sexpot shots, and my brain couldn't handle it

Oh, God, yes! That was so disconcerting, after seeing her so buttoned up and then googling and she's barely dressed! I couldn't connect the character to the images I saw. And, well, no disrespecting her L Word fans but I thought most of the things they say about Sarah were kind of demeaning, like all they saw/see is that she has a 'biteable ass' and I always have an urge to go: 'Hey, she's more than that!'

And I'm grateful that the show lets her be butch. She's a believeable cop. Period. Not a prettied up chick cop. I do honestly hope they don't tart her up for S2. Meh.Agreed on all accounts. Dani Reese is a cop's cop and I *love* that about her. Though I did go DO NOT WANT when the first ( ... )


angstbunny September 16 2008, 03:41:49 UTC
I haven't seen "The L Word" but from what I gather, she kinda was just a pretty face on that show, nothing remarkable. And she IS amazingly hot, so I guess that's all they could really say in her favor? Heh. I don't know.

I am REALLY glad to hear that Reese is still Reese. I'm really really dubious about NBC, man. The time slot thing, the Donal thing. I will never cease to be bitter how women just don't seem to matter as a demographic. I have more purchasing power than most of the guys I know who are my age. Fuck the 18-35 male demo. /bitter


grimorie September 16 2008, 05:12:21 UTC
Yeah, I mean I got nothing against saying she's hot but there was something a little too... I dunno. Might just be me but the constant sexualizing was getting to me maybe its because I encountered Sarah Shahi as Dani Reese, this complex and tough person and then reduced to well... being just a piece of ass.

Although, if I could do one thing for you its this... do not under any circumstances watch the youtube of Sarah Shahi's stint in the Sopranos. It would scar you for life, I know because it did that to me!

I will never cease to be bitter how women just don't seem to matter as a demographic. I have more purchasing power than most of the guys I know who are my age. Fuck the 18-35 male demo. /bitter

OMG. Yes! I hate that demographic, female audiences are far more loyal and better than male audiences *any* day. I think Female audiences sustained X-Files and we all know how long X-Files was on air. I hate that the demographic important to them is the damned male population.


angstbunny September 16 2008, 07:21:42 UTC
I encountered Sarah Shahi as Dani Reese, this complex and tough person and then reduced to well... being just a piece of ass.

Nodsnodsnods, I know what you mean. It's jarring. I think it's key, too, that in Life, she's a cop. She's very much defined by her job, by her function. Whereas on "The L Word", I believe she functioned as a love interest. Hence the gaze of desire was on her for that show. But on Life, she ain't about that.

Aww man, you warn me for stuff like that, and now I'm just CURIOUS. But I'm not going to look. But I want to knoooooooooooooow.


Okay, Wiki has satisfied my curiosity, and THANK YOU FOR THE WARNING. Because yeah, no, I don't need to see her having sex with Tony Soprano.


grimorie September 16 2008, 07:43:38 UTC
Yeah... she was just that, the love interest in Life she so isn't that, she's more... which I guess is why Constance received a lukewarm response because she had the thankless task of just being a love interest.

THANK YOU FOR THE WARNING. Because yeah, no, I don't need to see her having sex with Tony Soprano.

You're welcome. I remembered when I saw that how I wished someone should have warned me because no one should suffer through that NO ONE. I wanted to scrub my eyes and brain after that. *shudders*


angstbunny September 16 2008, 07:52:32 UTC
Poor Connie, getting the short end of the stick. She really is the weakest link in the cast of really awesome characters. It's kinda sad, really, because I like her on paper, but the execution leaves something to be desired. Funnily enough, when I first saw the pilot, that scene with Charlie and Connie in the kitchen, I was like ZOMG. That scene sparked for me, and I thought I was gonna become a C/C shipper. Which didn't happen. Heh.

THANK YOU FOR THE WARNING. Seriously. I read the description on Wiki, and I was like EW NO.


grimorie September 16 2008, 09:10:59 UTC
Yeah, I thought Connie would develop more and had I watched the pilot first (the first episode I saw was Farthingale, what a way to start watching and how) I would be on board with it.

The scene did spark and was hot like burning but then Connie seemed to only exist around Charlie... I did love that bit of alpha female-ing Dani did when they first met but all in the good fun of messing Charlie's head. I did like Connie in Serious Control Issues though when they're being friends but was all confused about her again in Dig A Hole when she was blatantly making Charlie jealous.

I love how Dani was all, yeah, uh-huh. I see what you're doing there, you're not foolin' anyone, missy.

YOU ARE WELCOME. Anything I can do to spare people from the horror. Pass it on, I say, pass it on!


angstbunny September 16 2008, 17:52:47 UTC
the first episode I saw was Farthingale, what a way to start watching and how

Oh MAN, yeah. That's a fab episode. You know what I LOVED in that ep? I mean, I loved the whole thing, but the moment that really nailed it for me was when Dani was chasing Slattz, and Charlie yells, DON'T MOVE, and Dani immediately freezes. No questions, no hesitation. He yells for her to stop and she instantly stops. I was like DYING. I was like, WOW WOW WOW ( ... )


grimorie September 17 2008, 02:24:24 UTC
Charlie yells, DON'T MOVE, and Dani immediately freezes. No questions, no hesitation. He yells for her to stop and she instantly stops. I was like DYING. I was like, WOW WOW WOW.

Yes, I love that, that Dani does so without question and you can see how far their partnership has gone, they've entered another level of partnership right there. And it's just.... Dani trusts Charlie. Instinctively, without question. And that's... partnershippery. You know if they don't become a couple its alright with me as long as they're partners forever. They're the One True Partners for me.

I LOVE the look on her face whenever Connie shows up.Haha. Me too! It's like... its not possessive in a sexual sense but more of possessive in the ... well, he's my partner right now, can we leave all this personal stuff where I work, plz? kthnxbie! She's so territorial with these things, I mean, Bobby comes close and she has this look on her face like: 'You had your shot now his mine.' I dunno, it might just be me ( ... )


angstbunny September 17 2008, 04:17:50 UTC
You know if they don't become a couple its alright with me as long as they're partners forever. They're the One True Partners for me.

One True Partners indeed. I definitely agree that it's okay if they never go there. As much as I love Rand for saying that the possibility is open (thank you for not being Chris Carter), I'm fine with it, because their partnership already gives us SO MUCH. It's already filled with squee, with so many moments of FLAIL.

I'm being so descriptive.

She's so territorial with these things, I mean

OMG RITE??? No, I TOTALLY noticed it, too. She's very very territorial, with Connie, with Bobby, very much like THIS IS MINE. It's not sexual, no. Not at this point, who knows down the line, but right now, it's definitely, just... Charlie's HER partner. So everybody else should just fuck off and leave them alone.

Dani and Jennifer, hahahaha, oh lord, that's scary to think about!


grimorie September 17 2008, 04:46:27 UTC
their partnership already gives us SO MUCH. It's already filled with squee, with so many moments of FLAIL.

Hee. Don't worry, I completely understand! The partnership has given us so much its fantastic! I thought Booth and Brennan were like the highlight of partnership squee but they're turning a little too well, couple-y than partner-y. I'm a Booth and Brennan shipper but recently they've been pushing it a little too hard. I dunno.

Charlie's HER partner. So everybody else should just fuck off and leave them alone.

Dani is such an Alpha Female, ooh remember the scene where the red head tech was flirting with Charlie and he went pleaaaase and then Dani stares at him. The way his smile fell was HIGHlarious!

Man, I hope the second season have Dani and Jennifer meeting!


angstbunny September 17 2008, 09:28:06 UTC
I thought Booth and Brennan were like the highlight of partnership squee but they're turning a little too well, couple-y than partner-y.

Yeah? Are you still watching the show? Because I stopped mid-S3. I didn't watch any new episodes that aired post-strike, and I don't plan to. Sad to hear that they're kinda spiraling, because I remember listening to commentary, and was pleasantly surprised by Emily and David remarking on the UST between Booth and Brennan and how it can never be consummated. It'd be the end of the show. And I remember thinking, "YES, they understand, they get it." So if they're getting couply, eesh, unless Hart Hanson is planning to wrap the series soon or something.

Dani is such an Alpha Female

YES. That's exactly what she is. She is totally the Alpha Female. And Crews knows it.

remember the scene where the red head tech was flirting with Charlie and he went pleaaaase and then Dani stares at him. The way his smile fell was HIGHlarious! SHRIEK YES, I LOL-ed and SQUEAKED and LOL-ed some more. That was made of ( ... )


grimorie September 17 2008, 10:20:20 UTC
Yeah, I'm still watching the show but mostly to see if they get back to what they were good at and I'm not actually adverse to seeing them together because I think a show could do that and still be interesting. The thing they seemed to have forgotten is the team dynamics and that Booth may look like a jock Big Man on Campus he really, really isn't. That's his appeal. I hated the London episode it was so OOC.

She is totally the Alpha Female. And Crews knows it.

Yes, that's the important part, Crews knows it!

You know I'm having a hard time classifying Charlie though... is he a beta or an alpha? He's too comfortable following Dani's lead and yet... or is it the prison thing that has him comfortable following orders?

I love the variety that Charlie's lays have been.Yes, I am too... he's not particular at all which is awesome. You know what I found interesting, Charlie's okay with sleeping with other cops whereas Dani, save for that one detective (which crash and burned like whoa, I think) really separates her work and personal ( ... )


angstbunny September 17 2008, 19:17:20 UTC
I'm not actually adverse to seeing them together because I think a show could do that and still be interesting.

I'm honestly torn on that idea. I feel like history has shown that a show that functions on UST like Bones simply doesn't survive once the leads get together. (see: Remington Steele, and actually, hey, X-Files) But at the same time, well, yeah, I totally want to see them together, too. Because boy howdy hotness.

It's the Gormangone thing that killed the show for me, though. I don't know how to spell that word, and I don't care. It was mytharc crap, and I HATE mytharc with a furious passion. I don't think any show in the history of EVER has gotten it right.

You know I'm having a hard time classifying Charlie though... is he a beta or an alpha? He's too comfortable following Dani's lead and yet... or is it the prison thing that has him comfortable following orders?Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out, too. It's really hard to say, considering we have not yet seen what pre-prison Charlie was like. (flashback episode ( ... )


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