BINGO: Cross

Oct 20, 2012 16:28

Author: inmh
Fandoms: American McGee’s Alice: Madness Returns, Longmire, Smallville, 50/50, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Inception
Card: Card
Angst: Illness, Outsiders, Wild Card (Asphyxiation), Tight Spaces, Psychotic Break, Blood Loss, Apocalypse, Secret Identity, Septicemia/Infected Wounds

Title: 68-Picture "Severe/Life-Threatening Illnes/Illness" Picspam (50/50)
Prompt: Illness
Fandom: 50/50
Characters/Pairing: Adam Lerner
Medium: Picspam
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Life-threatening illness (Cancer), Implied drug use, Spoilers for the movie 50/50
Summary: A picspam centering around Adam’s journey through cancer within the film.

Title: Two “Outsider” Banners (Smallville)
Prompt: Outsiders
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Lex, Clark, Martha, Jonathan
Medium: Art (Banners)
Rating: PG/K+
Warnings: None.
Summary: Two banners focusing on Lex’s loneliness when viewing the very close and content Kent family.

Title: Gasp
Prompt: Wild Card (Asphyxiation)
Fandom: Silent Hill: Homecoming
Characters/Pairing: Nora Holloway, Margaret Holloway
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Character Death, Murder of a Child
Summary: The last few minutes of Nora’s life as she suffocates.

Title: Close
Prompt: Tight Spaces
Fandom: Longmire
Characters/Pairing: Branch, Cady, Walt, Ruby, Vic
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Mild Spoilers for 1.08 “An Incredibly Beautiful Thing”.
Summary: She is difficult to ignore. Branch/Cady. Missing scene from 1.08 “An Incredibly Beautiful Thing”.

Title: Where Is My Mind?
Prompt: Psychotic Break
Fandom: American McGee’s Alice: Madness Returns
Characters/Pairing: Alice, Cheshire Cat
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: References to Rape, Prostitution, Pedophilia (Much of this is from the context of the game), Language
Summary: Post-Madness Returns. Alice is mad, and she knows it.

Title: 34-Picture “Apocalypse” Picspam (Smallville)
Prompt: Apocalypse
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Martha Kent, Oliver Queen
Medium: Picspam
Rating: PG/K+
Warnings: Spoilers for Smallville 10.22 “Finale, Part II”.
Summary: A picspam centering around the near-apocalypse in the series finale of Smallville.

Title: 23-Picture “Blood Loss” Picspam (Inception)
Prompt: Blood Loss
Fandom: Fic
Characters/Pairing: Saito, Arthur, Cobb
Medium: Picspam
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Blood, Canonical Character Death
Summary: Picspam centering around Saito’s injury in Inception.

Title: 22-Picture “Secret Identity” Picspam
Prompt: Secret Identity
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Clark, Lex
Medium: Picspam
Rating: PG/K+
Warnings: None.
Summary: A picspam centering around the confrontation between Lex and Clark, in which Lex fully realizes Clark’s identity as the Traveler and that he’s been right about Clark lying to him for the past seven years.

Title: Once Bitten
Prompt: Septicemia/Infected Wounds
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Tess
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings: Gross Wounds, Spoilers for 9.03 “Rabid”
Summary: Set during 9.03 "Rabid". That terrible moment when you realize that there's something to those zombie movies after all. Gross wounds and spoilers.

prompt: blood loss, prompt: apocalypse, prompt: septicemia/infected wounds, prompt: psychotic break, medium: fanfiction, medium: art, round: 4, prompt: tight spaces, prompt: outsiders, prompt: illness, prompt: secret identity, prompt: asphyxiation, medium: picspam, bingo: x or +

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