Author: →
skargasmFandoms: → Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Merlin
Card: →
HereAngst: → Supernatural First Bite/First Transformation, Guilt, Admission, Alienation, Delirium
Title: →
Yoko'edFandom: → Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: →Spike/Oz
Prompt: → Supernatural First Bite/First Transformation
Medium: → Fic
Rating: → R
Warnings: → N/a
Summary: →They warned him but who could predict the Yoko effect?
Title: →
Under Your SpellFandom: → Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: → Spike/Xander
Prompt: → Guilt
Medium: → Fic
Rating: → R
Warnings: → N/a
Summary: → He felt he was under a spell but even so, he wanted to experience what he thought was going to happen....
Title: →
A Magic KnightFandom: → Merlin
Pairing: → Merlin/Lancelot
Prompt: → Admission
Medium: → Fic
Rating: → R
Warnings: → N/a
Summary: → Such an admission could cost him everything, but at last he might have something to fight for....
Title: →
FadingFandom: → Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: → Spike/Xander
Prompt: → Alienation
Medium: → Fic
Rating: → R
Warnings: → Main character death
Summary: → He was fading away before their very eyes and they didn't see it. They didn't, but Spike did.
Title: →
Real BoyFandom: → Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: → Spike/Angel/Wesley
Prompt: → Delirium
Medium: → Fic
Rating: → NC17
Warnings: → N/a
Summary: → Whatever the cost, they would do what it took to make him a real boy again...