(no subject)

Jan 18, 2007 11:04

Lots of warnings, m’preg, slash, past non con, violence to hobbits, hurt/comfort etc - I think I also now need to include schmoop., and a birth scene.

Estel moved about the camp, setting water to boil and pulling clean cloths from his pack. He was woefully provided for but he dared not voice his main concern. Estel had been raised by the elves and taught healing by Elrond, but no elves had been born in his lifetime, and pregnant woman tended not to travel so he had no experience in these matters, not to mention hobbit anatomy was still something of a mystery to him. He had not even known that male hobbits could become pregnant.

None of this he could betray to Frodo. The hobbit was relying on him. The thought of the trust Frodo had in him warmed Estel and at the same time made his heart clench. He must be worthy of that trust.

When he returned to the bedroll Frodo was trying to extract himself from his coverings.

“What are you trying to do?” Estel asked.

“I need to relive myself,” Frodo replied a little testily.

“Then I will hep you.” Estel looked at Frodo. Was the hobbit pouting?

“I can manage myself?” Frodo said and tried once more to get to his feet. Estel watched him struggle for a moment until he felt his point had been made and then assisted Frodo to rise. Standing, it was easier to see how low the child now rode in his parent’s body. Estel was amazed he had missed the signs before. He had thought Frodo’s needing to stop and relieve himself ever few hours was due to the horse’s movements and not impending birth.

Frodo only managed to take one step when he gasped and clutched at himself. “Oh no!” With a look of utter mortification on his face Frodo looked beseechingly up at the ranger.

“No Frodo, you did not have an accident. Your waters have broken.”

“My waters? I didn’t know I had waters?”

“Frodo. Is it usual for males to give birth in the Shire?”

“No,” Frodo shuffled his feet. “I have heard of one or two very rare cases.”

“And what do you know of childbirth?”

“Very little,” Frodo replied. “It is not something bachelor gentle hobbits should know anything about.”

“I see,” Estel took Frodo’s elbow and helped him to the edge of the camp where he could relieve himself. He then guided Frodo back to the bedroll and stripped the wet nightshirt from his body. He used some of the warmed water to wash the hobbit down.

By now dawn was starting to send fingers of red and gold light over the sky and the stars were vanishing one by one.

“We will need more water,” Estel said. “The stream is but a moment away. Can you hold on while I go?”

“Yes, just… just don’t be long.”

Estel leant over and planted a kiss in the soft waves of Frodo’s hair. “I shall be but a call away.”

The sun was fully risen by the time Frodo’s contractions were coming so close together that they seemed to be blurring into one mass of pain. Pale and sweating Frodo clung to Estel’s hand as he rode out the wave of the latest one. The birth seemed to be progressing quickly and Estel could only hope this was the usual way with hobbits. Fast it may be but it was taking a heavy tole on the already fragile hobbit.

They had tried walking around a little, then sitting and kneeling. Frodo seemed to find most comfort in kneeling, and leaning forwards, with Estel supporting him but now he had moved to lying fully down so the Ranger could examine him.

“Raise your knees and let them fall apart,” Estel instructed as he knelt between Frodo’s splayed legs. There was a widening gash at the bottom of the hobbits body which Estel had never seen on a male before. In fact it more resembled the female birth passage and this made him hopeful that all was proceeding as it should be.

“I need to check the progress.” With care Estel lifted aside Frodo’s penis and gently inserted two fingers covered with cream into what he hoped was the birth passage. Frodo sucked in his breath. “Relax and breath deeply as you have been doing.”

Estel moved his fingers around. The wall of the opening was clutching around his fingers and he moved them deeper until he could feel something smooth and rounded.

“I can feel the babies head. You must start to push now,” he instructed.

Frodo struggled to sit up. “I can’t like this!” he protested, grunting with the effort.

Estel moved round, lifting Frodo until the hobbit was partly sitting on one of the man’s thighs, his bottom hanging between Estel’s legs. Using one arm to support the hobbit Estel reached below. “When you feel the next urge to push go with it,” he instructed.

Frodo took a deep breath and then strained with all his might, grunting loudly as he did so.

“And again!”

Frodo was panting with exertion but still he drew in a deep breath and bore down. Something slippery and heavy depended between his legs causing a burning pressure there.

“Once more!”

He cried out in pain, feeling something tearing.

“I have his head! Push Frodo, we must get the shoulders out.”

“I can’t!” Frodo cried out, his head falling forwards. “It’s too much!”

“You can and you will!” Estel demanded. “Breath with me, and then, push.”

“I can’t,” Frodo sobbed again. His face was white and his hair stuck to his forehead in limp tendrils.

He was a dead weight in the Ranger’s arms and worry made Estel’s voice sterner than he had intended. “I know you can do this Frodo, I know how brave you are, how strong.”

“I am not strong,” Frodo was weeping now, overcome by the pain. “It is better we should both die. Where would we go?”

“To Rivendell,” Estel said. “With me. Frodo, I care so much for you. Do not give up. Together we can do this.”

For a moment the pain left Frodo’s eyes as he twisted round to look at Estel. “You care?”

“Yes,” Estel wanted so much to kiss the hobbit. “You have captured my heart with your bravery and your beauty.”

“Ooohh,” Frodo’s cry of wonder turned to one of pain. But there was new determination in the hobbits eyes. He took a deep breath and strained, pushing with all his might.

“Yes, you can do it.”

Estel could feel the strain in the hobbits body as he pushed once again and then he had to move. The baby slid out now in one motion, caught by Estel’s hand and at the same time the man moved to lower Frodo back down.

The sound of the hobbits raw panting and gasping for breath filled the clearing and then added to it was the sound of a whimper, and then a tiny mewling cry.

“O,” Frodo tried to move. “My baby!” He stained round, trying to see from whence the cry had come. “Estel?”

“Here you are.”

Frodo looked up. Estel was smiling with joy as he lowered into Frodo’s arms a tiny, wrinkled, red form.

“O!” was all Frodo could say as he looked down. “O!”

“Frodo Baggins, I would like to introduce you to your daughter.”


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