Mugged by moments

Jul 01, 2007 22:48

Wrestled with a (really good) chapter today, which I had the opportunity to read out loud to the writing group this afternoon. And realised something about this (otherwise very good) chapter ( Read more... )

writing news, writing, writing craft, writing life

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Comments 14

eneit July 2 2007, 06:21:44 UTC
Congratulations on the other news, and wishing you every scrap of luck you need *g*


black13 July 2 2007, 07:35:52 UTC
When I proofread "Cowboys & Barbarians," what leaped out to me was how often one of the characters "decided" something.

He was far less decisive when I was done with the corrections.


black13 July 13 2008, 13:06:27 UTC
See for yourselves; I've begun to "publish" the entire novel on my LJ.


alexjay July 2 2007, 08:41:56 UTC
"Take a letter, Maria ..."
(As one Recording Secretary to another, I kid; I kid.)

hell; I've always thought of you as a writer of momentous impact ...


khiemtran July 2 2007, 09:23:42 UTC
Well done! Hope you maintain the momentum.


heleninwales July 2 2007, 09:43:54 UTC
Congratulations on the new post and good luck with the seek and destroy mission on those pesky moments. :)


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