let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band

Jun 05, 2010 21:29

So I have not been commenting on Doctor Who this season, possibly because I don't think my computer can handle the downloads, I'm on the U.S. airing schedule, and thus two weeks behind everyone else. Well, three now, because BBC America decided to do a Who/Trek marathon, to use the term loosely, because although they have seven seasons of TNG* and ( Read more... )

mentally interesting, doctor who, trekkiness

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Comments 9

Remember this the next time you're feeling rich. murasaki_1966 June 6 2010, 02:32:14 UTC
The David Tennant/Patrick Stewart Hamlet is available from the RSC shop online


Re: Remember this the next time you're feeling rich. angevin2 June 6 2010, 02:33:03 UTC
It's also sitting on my desk. ;)


tempestsarekind June 6 2010, 03:36:16 UTC
I really liked "Amy's Choice" (though I also liked "Vampires," at least until the race-fail). And I liked the Amy-Rory-Eleven dynamic in this one, too.


angevin2 June 6 2010, 21:42:51 UTC
"Vampires" was totally about half of a good episode, I thought (the racefail is in the not-good half).


tempestsarekind June 7 2010, 19:52:52 UTC
Yeah--it was definitely a moment of "oh, show, you were doing so well! What happened?"


wiliqueen June 6 2010, 13:21:59 UTC
I associate him first and foremost with the weaselly guy colluding with the Baroness in Ever After, which was occasionally odd during that ep.


lareinenoire June 6 2010, 13:28:20 UTC
It is such a relief to not be the only person who did that...


tempestsarekind June 6 2010, 17:02:58 UTC
Totally did that as well. :)


arcadiaego June 6 2010, 21:40:09 UTC
I was quite disappointed in myself for not realising who the Dream Lord was, because in retrospect it was so obvious. But then, Doctor Who is making me stupidly giddy at the moment. (Damn Britain for having such short series runs...)


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