let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band

Jun 05, 2010 21:29

So I have not been commenting on Doctor Who this season, possibly because I don't think my computer can handle the downloads, I'm on the U.S. airing schedule, and thus two weeks behind everyone else. Well, three now, because BBC America decided to do a Who/Trek marathon, to use the term loosely, because although they have seven seasons of TNG* and four and a half seasons of New!Who to choose from, they just ran the same six episodes over and over for three days. Bah. Anyway, I just saw "Amy's Choice," which I liked much more than "Vampires of Venice."

Also, I totally called it in re: the identity of the Dreamlord; I don't suppose it's too difficult to spot what with the bowtie and stuff, but it was a fairly accurate externalized representation of depression or anxiety only with more Toby Jones (and if it were entirely accurate he'd be there ALL THE TIME and he would probably have spent a lot more time, by which I mean any time at all since this does not actually happen, sitting on the Doctor's head). I am not sure whether having Toby Jones embody my depressive inner voice would make things better or worse. I suppose it depends on whether I associate him with Edward II, Aumerle, or Dobby the House Elf. Why yes, I listen to way too much BBC radio drama.

(I am off my meds; can you tell?)

*Yeah, they show TNG now. No idea why; I'm guessing Patrick Stewart's general awesomeness. TNG is on ALL THE TIME now, which is kind of neat, even though I've seen the entire run of TNG about a squillion times over the last 15 years. Also I had never noticed I apparently ship Data/Geordi. *facedesk*

mentally interesting, doctor who, trekkiness

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