You know you're up too late...

Apr 03, 2004 04:31

...when you're scrolling past old LJ entries, and you see the review of The Last King you wrote a couple of weeks ago, and specifically a comment on the scene that opens the miniseries, which is to say the execution of Charles I, and you recall that Charles I's last word is supposed to have been "Remember," just like Spock's in The Wrath of Khan, ( Read more... )

charles i, insomnia posts, trekkiness, dorkery

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Comments 3

ladyshrew April 3 2004, 10:06:07 UTC
lol!! Yay historical Trek! My HS history teacher would do multiple choice quizes where she'd ask who someone was and have one of the options be "a character on Voyager" or something. She was funny. :-D

Anywhoozle, hope you're feeling better! (whoa, I've been in Latin too long where word order doesn't matter... I wrote "you're hope" at first. o_O)


angevin2 April 3 2004, 12:11:13 UTC
Heh. One of my high school history teachers was a big Trek fan, and when I took her Colonial U.S. History course, she explained Aaron Burr's character thusly: "Do you guys know Q on Voyager?"

Of course, Q was pretty lame on Voyager, but I guess Aaron Burr was pretty lame too... ;)

And yeah, I'm feeling a bit better. Though I did manage to wake up with the phrase "I am, and ever shall be, your king..." in my head, which is just unnerving.


ladyshrew April 3 2004, 18:38:55 UTC
Oh my... GOD. Next time I talk to Mrs. M, I need to tell her that one... ::snicker::

And Mrs. M was huuuuge on Voyager too. o_O Weird.


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